--> Animal Diseases And Symptoms: How To Get Your Dog Used To The Vets Office

Rabu, 15 April 2015

How To Get Your Dog Used To The Vets Office

Just as you don't like going to the doctor, your dog doesn't like going to the vet. It's as simple as that. So how can you get your dog used to going to the vets office? These tips may help you get your dog through the door and into the exam room.

Take Some Treats

Give your dog a small treat for being good. Each step along the path will go far in helping your dog to achieve this with success. The treats don't have to be large, just a tidbit will do. Most Vets, as well as the Vet tech and the receptionist, will also give your dog treats.

Pay A Visit Without An Exam

Call ahead to the Vet office and ask if there is a good time to bring your dog in to 'get to know' them. This visit should be just that, a visit. No strings attached, no exam. Hopefully you'll choose a time that isn't too busy and your dog can meet the doctor, visit the exam room and give the place a good sniff over. If your pet is comfortable with this you may be on your way to a great relationship with your Vet.


Give your pet frequent massages. By touching your pet all over your pet will get used to the Vet and the Vet Tech touching him or her. Be sure to massage the ears and the feet as well so that your Vet and Vet Tech can look into his or her ears and trim toenails with minimal fuss.

Peering Into The Mouth

Your dog may or may not allow you to look into his or her mouth. If he or she doesn't allow you to you might want to try to get him or her used to it so that the Vet can check the teeth and gums. Start by maybe placing a treat on his or her tongue and asking your pet to wait. This may allow you to take a quick look. You might also simply lift the gums and look at his or her teeth. It may take some time but it will help.

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