--> Animal Diseases And Symptoms: Remedy A Dog's Winter Skin With These Tips

Minggu, 26 April 2015

Remedy A Dog's Winter Skin With These Tips

The winter weather affects a dog's skin in many of the same ways it affects a human's skin. Winter skin can be very aggravating without the right precautions. You know this, so you want to keep your dog feeling good during the winter season, too.

One person tells a story online about his dog who had dry and itchy skin during the winter months. He said it got so bad that he actually thought his dog had some kind of disease. However, it was just winter skin, and there are prevention and treatment steps for this.

If you fail to help your dog with his dry and itchy skin, it can turn into something worse. The dry skin can crack, bleed and become scabby. A vet might give your dog a dose of Cephalexin. Now, this will remedy the dry skin, but it's up to what you do at home to keep it away.

If you were to take your dog in for a visit to the vet to get Cephalexin, the symptoms would disappear as mentioned, and then likely return about a month later without any further action.

One way to help your dog with winter skin is by using olive oil. Now, you don't rub the olive oil all over your dogs fur or skin. Instead, this is going to work from the inside out. All you do is pour some olive oil on your dog's food a few times a week.

If you're wondering if this works, you should understand that this home remedy comes from a vet. Another way you can help your dog is by giving him a bath. Use baby shampoo. which works great with sensitive skin, helping to nourish both his skin and his coat.

Think about what essential oil helps humans with their skin and hair. Omega 3 fish oil or fatty acids help work wonders.

A few good remedies for helping your dog's skin and coat during the winter season have been outlined. By using these methods, your dog will likely never have to visit the vet for that initial dose of Cephalexin. Keep your dog healthy and comfortable during the winter months, and don't forget yourself, too!

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