--> Animal Diseases And Symptoms: What To Do When An Off-Leash Dog Charges You And Your Dog

Senin, 27 April 2015

What To Do When An Off-Leash Dog Charges You And Your Dog

What should you do when a dog who isn't on its leash charges at you and your dog? You might be tempted to jump in front of your dog and act as a shield. However, there are some other options you might want to go with. Some of these options will be discussed below.

1. Stay calm - One of the best things you can do is remain calm and encourage your dog to remain calm, and try to have it sit and stay. There is a good chance that the dog charging at you just wants to come over due to curiosity. If you and your dog remain calm, then the chances are the other dog will have a quick nose at you two and then take off running.

2. Call out to the owner - If you are at a park or open field, and a dog is charging at you and your pet, then the other dog's owner will probably be in the area. Take a look around and if you notice the owner, then call out to them. The owner of the charging dog should be able to get their dog under control right away.

3. Give commands - You could try to give commands to the charging dog. If it is an older dog who has some training, then the chances are you can give it a command and it will listen. You could command it to sit, and see if that works. This is a basic command and a dog with basic training might just listen to you when you tell them to sit.

4. Stand over your dog - Don't stand in front of your dog, but instead stand over your dog, while they are sitting. As the charging dog gets closer, make sure to tell them "no" in a very stern voice. Doing this could cause the dog to turn back around and run in the other direction.

There are many other things you could do when you see a dog charging at you, but the above tactics tend to be the best ones out there. if you notice a dog is off its leash and it is running towards you and your dog, then you will want to try one of the above tactics. You might be surprised at how effective they are, so make sure to keep them in mind the next time you and your dog are out.

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