--> Animal Diseases And Symptoms: What Dog Breeds Are More Likely to Bite?

Senin, 20 April 2015

What Dog Breeds Are More Likely to Bite?

Since certain dog breeds tend to bite more often than others, perhaps it may be possible to avoid potential attacks by knowing a few facts and statistics.

Recent statistics show that there are over 4.5 million American bite victims per year. Nearly one of every 5 bites are severe enough to demand some form of medical treatments. Bite statistics show a staggering number: 368,000 victims require hospital emergency attention. In the year 2012, more than 27,000 people had to undergo some type of reconstructive procedures as a consequence of being bitten by dogs.Bite statistics reveal that being bitten by a canine is the fifth most common reason for necessary visits to emergency rooms involving incidents with children. Bite attacks have increased in numbers dramatically dangerous since the 1980's.

Every state has its own specific laws for dog bite accidents. You might be allowed to sue for restitution against the owner of the animal that has harmed you or a family member. When a bite accident happens, the dog's owner is most often accountable for their pet's behavior. Therefore, their homeowner's insurance will pay for the bite accident.

There are 25 dog breeds officially classified as vicious. When classifying these dogs the focus is on the possibility of the dog's capacity to inflict life and death injuries to a victim. Tosa Inu is an enormous dog weighing between 130 and 200 pounds. Another vicious dog breed is the American Bandogge, an unbelievably powerful muscular fighting dog. Some of the other top vicious dog breeds are the Cane Corso, a descendant of the Canis Pugnax, the Bull-Terrier known to have a distinct "prey drive", which compels the terrier to be dangerous in approaching smaller animals and humans. The number one on the list of most vicious dogs is the Caucasian Orcharka an aggressive, strong-willed, and fearless. The American pit bull is notoriously aggressive, although their fans will beg differently.

Dog attacks happen often from aggressive dogs. While most dogs are amazing and gentle creatures earning the name, man's best friend, not all dogs are friendly. Dog attacks are fairly rare; most individuals go through their whole lives without ever encountering a dog attack. But for the other people who come face to face with a threatening dog, with growling and teeth bared the danger is serious. Unfortunately, there are numerous dogs who belong to impetuous dog owners who purposely buy a vicious dog and deliberately encourage aggressiveness in their family dogs for the motive of personal protection. Some of these dogs are so notorious that insurance companies will not insure a homeowner or renter who owns some of these breeds:

Pit Bulls
German Shepherds
Doberman Pinschers
Chow Chows
Wolf hybrids
Presa/Dogo Canarios
There are reasons why insurance companies ban these dogs. They are among the world's most deadly canines.

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