--> Animal Diseases And Symptoms: How To Deal With The Loss Of Your Dog

Rabu, 15 April 2015

How To Deal With The Loss Of Your Dog

When a human family member dies, we mourn. By the same token, when your dog dies, you should also take some time to mourn. Your dog was a part of your family and it's normal to miss them and want to be able to hold them just one more time.

Most friends and family are going to understand this and want to help you through it. You're going to go through the same stages of grief that you would go through with a human who has died in your life.

You may be angry and mad at a disease or situation that claimed your dogs life. You may mourn their loss quickly or you may spend several weeks to several months or even years mourning.

No one can tell you how long is too long to mourn. Each situation is as individual as you are. Your pet was a part of you and a part of your family. You may wish to have a memorial service, you may choose to still celebrate their birthday. All of these things are normal.

It's important to remember that the first few weeks are going to be the toughest. You're going to expect your dog to come running every time you open the door. You'll have to work past this and recognize that you, just like your beloved pet, were conditioned to expect this. In time, it will become easier.

It is perfectly normal to grieve when your pet dies. In time, you'll treasure your happier memories. Hopefully you have some great pictures of the two of you together. You may wish to put them into a memorial album. You may wish to get them out now and again and look at them.

As your feelings of loss subside, you may begin to consider a new pet. This is also normal, just remember, no new pet will ever fully replace your lost dog. Your new dog will give you new memories and love, however, things will be different.

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