--> Animal Diseases And Symptoms: Why Does My Cat Have Accidents Outside the Litter Box?

Minggu, 05 April 2015

Why Does My Cat Have Accidents Outside the Litter Box?

Before giving in to your frustrations, consider the possible reasons for your cats accidents. There may be an easy solution once you understand the reason that your cat isn't using his litter box.

1. Medical problems may cause a cat to stop using the box. A cat that was house trained and suddenly begins having accidents outside his box should be taken to the vet to be sure that a health problem is not to blame.

2. Dirty Litter Boxes can cause accidents too. Be sure to clean the box daily. This chore actually becomes easier if it is done daily, as the litter and waste does not pile up so much. Additional tools, like a Litter Genie Disposal system, can make this task quick and reduce odors.

3. A shortage of litter boxes could also cause this problem. Cats may become territorial and demand their own space. The common recommendation is to have one box more than the number of cats you have. Cats can also be very particular. For example, my cats have two boxes, but they will only urinate in one of the boxes.

4. The type of litter may cause this problem. Again, cats are particular and finicky, they may not like the texture (some cats don't like the clumping litter because it sticks to their paws) or amount of litter.

5. The style of litter box may cause the cat to have accidents. It is possible that a cat could feel more secure in a closed or hooded box (especially if there are other animals or children that could make the cat nervous). Of course a closed box can also cause problems if the cat has any difficulty getting in and out of it. Make sure your cat can easily get into the box and does not have to fear attacks (playful children or other pets) near the box.

6. The cat may have a need to mark his territory outside the litter box. This problem is likely the most difficult to deal with. If the cat goes outside his box for any reason, be sure to thoroughly clean the area and to eliminate all odors. We do not want the cat to return to the same spot! This cat will need some retraining. If it's possible to catch him in the act a few sprays from a water bottle will often discourage this bad habit. Other alternatives include making the area the cat has chosen less desirable for him. This can be done with strong odors and/or by placing his food or treats in that area.

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