--> Animal Diseases And Symptoms: Skin Allergies In Cats - Overcoming Them The Holistic Way

Senin, 06 April 2015

Skin Allergies In Cats - Overcoming Them The Holistic Way

Skin allergies in cats are not uncommon. Their incidence is rising. An allergy is a hypersensitivity to something, which the immune system is unable to deal with. Usually the allergy is to an external, or environmental factor, or allergen.

These factors can be the same as in anyone such as dust, pollen, plants, food ingredients, insect bites, insecticides, toxins in the environment, etc. Some are seasonal.

The main symptoms of skin allergies in cats is an increased or continual licking and constant scratching. Obviously there is an extreme itch going on that we can't see or feel. Common areas are the groin, the base of the tail and the sides.

Skin allergies are often called atopic dermatitis. They can be mild or severe and anything in between. Severe allergies can result in the cat self harming in their desperate attempt to ease the itch.

The factors which lead to skin allergies in cats are only the stimulants. They are not the cause. The real cause is an area that doesn't appear on the veterinary horizon, for a variety of reasons, which are beyond the scope of this article.

Vaccinations are known to be one of the main causes of allergies. Most people believe that by vaccinating their cat against the common feline diseases, they are improving the health of their cat. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Let's look at the common ingredients in vaccines. Depending on the species and the vaccine, these will vary, but the common ingredients include:

thimerosal - a mercury derivative
formaldehyde - a strong preservative used to embalm dead bodies
aluminium salts - considered linked to alzheimers disease
phenol - a derivative from coal tar
various animal cells, proteins or DNA - cross species and ethical issues
monosodium glutamate - known for many health related problems
aspartame - known for many health related issues
sorbitol - an alcohol
hydrolised protein - hydrolising is a known health hazard
Injecting these directly into the blood of any animal creates an immediate immune response. However, this is not a healthy response, as all the normal, subtle paths have been bypassed. Instead, the immune response is not unlike when bitten by a poisonous snake.

Many cats do become resistant to that particular strain of that particular disease, but this comes at a price. The immune system takes a tumble. This means that overall your cat is less healthy.

A common side effect of vaccines is allergies, but they don't stop there. Here are a couple of statements from medical doctors, which you may find interesting. The same applies to veterinary vaccines.

Rebecca Carley M.D - "If children receive all recommended vaccines, they will receive 2,370 times the "allowable safe limit" for mercury in the first two years of life (as if there is such a thing as a "safe" amount of a toxic poison)."

Russell L. Blaylock M D Neurosurgeon - "Most have at least heard about the controversy surrounding possible harmful effects of some of the vaccines. What is less well known is that even greater dangers exist than are being conveyed to the general public. Much of this information is buried in highly technical scientific journals beyond the reach and understanding of the average person."

There are other, far safer ways to prevent your cat from getting disease. The first thing is to ensure you take care of their immune system, This is the key to health. And there are three important ways to do this:

quality, natural, nutritious food
healthy lifestyle
holistic health care
You can learn more about this by clicking on the link below.

Understand the natural law of cause and effect. Eliminate the cause and the effect disappears. You can avoid skin allergies in cats. And for those already affected, following the same protocol will help, if not totally cure the problem.

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