Cats are an important part of the homes of many families. A good owner treats their cat with the upmost respect and always makes sure that their pet is healthy and safe. You should regularly perform inspections and tests on your own, as well as visiting the veterinarian on a regular basis. A good example of a worthwhile inspection is performing a hearing test, to ensure that your cat's auditory abilities are still up to a healthy standard.
If your cat is advancing in age, you may want to take a look at their behavior and see if your cat's hearing is regressing. Is your cat still showing the proper response to loud noises? Does it often look disoriented? Do you have to physically touch your cat for it to be aware that you've entered the room? Does he or she wake up on their own if you make noise in a room while they're sleeping, or does it seem like your cat is hard to wake up? If you're answering yes to any of these questions, there's no doubt you'll want to take a look at your cat's ears.
This kind of loss is common in cats, especially those that are older. There are many different reasons a cat could be losing their ability to perceive sound, such as mild infections, side effects from certain drugs, ear mites, or tumors in the ear. The loss of sound perception can also be permanent in cats that are simply struck by old age, or those who have been exposed to loud noises continuously.
If you think you need to perform a simple hearing test, there are some easy techniques to see if your cat is having a problem. First, check the ear canal. If you see that it is reddened or there is black discharge, there's a good indication that your cat is having an auditory problem. You can also test your pet's ability to perceive sound by quietly stepping behind them and clapping to check the response. If the animal continues to fail to respond to your clapping, there's a good chance they need a visit to the local veterinarian. The good news about a visit to the veterinarian is that they can perform a professional hearing test on your pet to give you a diagnosis of your cat's auditory difficulties. These tests usually take a short period of time and do not hurt your pet.
If the hearing test reveals that your pet is indeed suffering from loss, there are steps you can take to make their life easier. Make sure your cat is not let outside, as they will not possess the necessary reaction time to protect themselves from potential danger. Attach a bell to the cat so you're aware if they escape the house. Try your best not to startle the cat when walking into the room. By gaining a better understanding of your pet's limitations, you will find your bond strengthened with your cat and you'll sleep easier knowing you're doing the best for their health.
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