--> Animal Diseases And Symptoms: Be The Leader Of Your Dog's Pack

Kamis, 16 April 2015

Be The Leader Of Your Dog's Pack

Dogs are pack animals and, as a result, they are respectful of the leader of their pack. Typically, it is a puppy's mother who is their first pack leader. She trains them to obey from the moment they are born by controlling when they eat. When you are a dog owner, you must assume the role of pack leader. Otherwise, your dog can become disobedient and controlling.

The way to claim your role as pack leader is to exert gentle control the moment your puppy or dog enters your home for his or her first day of living with you. Get to know your dog's disposition. This should be easy enough, as you can tell when some dogs are natural people lovers, dog lovers or both.

Whatever your dog's nature appears to be, you let him or her know you are in charge. After all, you are going to be the one feeding them. They understand, instinctively, that they need to you to survive.

One way to enforce your pack leader role is to try to walk your dog before you give him or her a feeding. You will notice, while out on a walk, your dog wants to claim ownership of territory. Try not to let your dog "claim" every inch of grass or sidewalk. A firm, but gentle "Leave it" command will teach your dog you intend for him to walk.

Once you are home, go ahead and introduce the meal to your dog. Be sure he or she is not jumping or begging for food. Never give your dog a meal or a treat, especially, unless the dog is behaving calmly and with respect for you.

Another useful command to teach your dog is the "Wait" command, which can also be signaled using your hand. Simply put your hand up with your palm facing your dog, as if you are directing traffic to stop. You tell your dog to "Wait" and see to it that he or she does before resuming your activities.

If your dog gets excited about playing or walking, sometimes he or she may beg for you to take him or her out. A simple "Wait" will remind your dog that you are the one in charge and that the dog must be calm and well mannered before anything else. Be a true pack leader for the sake of your dog and everyone else.

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