--> Animal Diseases And Symptoms: Basic Dog Trick Tips to Teach Your Dog

Rabu, 15 April 2015

Basic Dog Trick Tips to Teach Your Dog

The fact is, dogs can be trained even if they are already in the adult stage. Well, experts in dog training have proven it. Take note, dogs constantly learn just like humans do. However, to help your canine friend learn some tricks, it is on your part to teach them or you can hire professional dog trainers to do the task for you. But then again, since they are closer to you, better do it your own way. So how you may ask, read on and learn some of the basic tricks and training tips for dogs.

Basic Dog Training Tips:

Now before you proceed in training your pet dog, you may need to use a leash. This way, you are able to make the canine focus more to what you are teaching. Take into account, you also need to have lots of patience especially at first but you will surely "reap the fruits of your labor" once you see that your dog has learned the tricks you've taught. Here now are the basic tricks.

Sit command - Start by having a few pieces of dog treat in your hands. Hold the treat firmly and let your dog see and smell it but don't let them eat the treat.

The next step is to say the word "sit" clearly and ensure that the kennel hears what you are telling. Once the dog hears the word, it's time to demonstrate it. While holding the dog leash using your left or right hand, use your other hand to gently push the back end of the dog towards the floor or ground. It may take you some time but once the dog sits, you can say, "Good dog or Good boy or girl" and finally give the treat as a reward.

Remember to repeat the "sit command" training sessions until your canine pal obeys as he or she hears the word even after you've stopped giving some treats.

Shake paws command - It is a prerequisite that your pet already knows how to sit as you utter the word so make sure the dog already knows how to sit. Again, to train a dog with this command, you need to have a handful of treats and of course patience.

Now start off by saying the sit command and again, hold the treat tightly on your hand as the dog smells it right on top of his nose without letting him or her munch it. Next is to say the magic word "shake" audibly while you are moving the treat on your hand close to your dog's paws.

Remember, the kennel will sniff the treat and you can wait until he/she puts up his/her paws on to your hands where the treat is. Say "Good dog" and give the reward as the dog's paws touches your palm or hands. Practice the command with your dog with patience as you see the result to be successful.

Take note, you can also apply this kind of training method as you teach your pet how to learn the "high five" or "shake hands" command.

Down command - To teach this trick, it's either you wait for your dog to lie down or you can force his/her front feet in a lie down position. Again, make sure you have the treat tightly clutched on your hands as the dog takes interest on it as you clearly say the word "down" or "lie" or "lie down". The next thing to do after the dog obeys is to praise your canine pet and give the treat. Remember to repeat the command as the dog obeys and accurately follows the position you want to happen.

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