An act of benevolence is an expression of good human traits and a manifestation of self emancipation towards achieving success and self fulfillment in life. The sacrifices, time and efforts in order to realize such devotion is unprecedented and unparalleled. Notwithstanding the encumbrances that come along, it carries on to its commitment without regret and self reservation.
As we travel our journey in life, we come across different echelons of events, circumstances and experiences that play an important role in molding our minds, our attitudes and our perceptions of life. Strengthened by those around us, we triumphantly win every battle that comes our way and continue to persevere no matter how hard it may seem. And one thing our journey would have taken us and out of the experiences that we would have been, we have experienced to love, to care, to give and share.
My passion and love for animals has never waned but has become more intense through the years. It may sound clichéd for some but a noble thing for many. I cannot remember anymore for how long I've been providing shelter to stray cats, how much time and efforts fostering these lovely animals have caused me in the past and how many times did I feel very sad at the lost of my beloved pets. These things are incomparable compared to the joy that it brings me and considering the love and care that I shared with them.
Extending your hands and giving yourself for a cause is what makes this world a better place to live in. Presently, I am nurturing an injured pigeon. It's actually given to me by a subordinate while we were on the field in one of our projects. I was really saddened by its ordeal upon seeing it at first. I felt really bad because of its physical well-being. From my assessment, it sustained a broken neck which it probably incurred, as I was insinuating, from the same person who handed it to me. I heard a hearsay about these people gorging on anything. It was really an annoying sight to behold.
Three years had passed, though it may not look as normal as what it typically is, it's alive and kicking. It has outgrown all the bad memories of its past and transformed into a beautiful fowl. Its well-groomed white feathers shimmer as the sun rays perch upon. Likewise, its crimson red feet which always mesmerized me as a kid, ramble in all corners of its cage. Day after day, as I go and come from work, I am always deeply concern about its needs.
Tedious as it may look but it doesn't matter to me at all. There's no single day that I failed to attend to its basic needs, not even when I need to spend time with my family back home. I am always willing to spend some penny just to make sure that it gets the best care it deserves. Whenever it is necessary, I usually let someone, of course in exchange of monetary reward, do the chores in my absence.
Doing things that interests and inspires you most is very rewarding and self-worthy. It gives you a sense of responsibility and it reminds you of the true reasons for your existence. What's more important than doing what is right by helping the underprivileged and serving those who are in need
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