--> Animal Diseases And Symptoms: Cat Care Is Simple With This Sound Advice

Senin, 02 Maret 2015

Cat Care Is Simple With This Sound Advice

As one of the best pets out there, cats are a pleasure to have, but caring for them can get a bit spendy. Food, medical expenses, litter and toys can really add up. With the solid advice below, you will find ways to keep your pet and save some money too.

If your kitty is a female, make sure to plan a spaying once she is of age to breed. Even if you have an indoor female cat, if it escapes when it's in heat it could get you a bunch of kittens you weren't planning on having. Spaying a cat can prevent this.

Take your cat to the vet every year. Your cat needs to get a checkup about once every year, or more if there are issues that come up. Cats need to be seen by a vet right away if there are injuries or health problems that don't go away.

Don't use items on a cat that are meant for a dog. Cats are known to have severe negative reactions when exposed to products designed for dogs. This will especially be true if it's a product for fleas. Using dog flea products on your cat can kill them. If your dog has been treated for fleas, keep him away from your cat for at least three hours.

If you have an outdoor cat, make sure he is fitted with a tag and collar. Cats love to roam, so you need to give someone who finds your cat a way to contact you. Be sure the name of your cat and your number can be found on the tag.

Spray electrical cords with some bitter apple to prevent cats from getting electrocuted. If your cat still prefers to chew on cords, then you have to make sure they stay covered. If you have loose electrical cords, you can bundle them up and stow them away in a cardboard tube (think toilet paper or paper towel rolls). Put away electronics that have tempting, thin cords when you're not using them.

It is a good idea to microchip your cat. Even an indoor cat can get the urge to run out of a door or leap through a window. Even if you put a collar or tag on your cat, be careful as they can wiggle out of these very easily and can be dangerous if they get caught on a foreign object like a tree branch. A microchip, on the other hand, is inserted near your cat's shoulder blades, takes only a second to do, and all of your current contact info can be read through the chip. All shelters and vets have scanners to ensure your cat gets home safely.

Cats can be a very expensive animal to take care of. Cats require so much attention and care you would swear they are as needy as human children are. As this article has shown, there are many things that must be done to keep your cat happy and healthy.

If you want to buy a kitten [http://buyakitten.net], then it is important to know their breeds. You also need to know on how to take care of them.

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