--> Animal Diseases And Symptoms: Cat Pregnancy 101 - Tips on Caring for a Pregnant Cat

Rabu, 25 Maret 2015

Cat Pregnancy 101 - Tips on Caring for a Pregnant Cat

If your female cat spends any time roaming outdoors, chances are she may come home pregnant at some point. With just a little help from you, she will hopefully have her litter with few if any problems. Here are a few tips on caring for a pregnant cat.

If your cat is used to going outdoors frequently, you will need to put a stop to it once she gets pregnant. The wild is dangerous for cats, and you don't want to expose the expecting mother to any dangers. It is also best to keep her secluded from any other pets that you may have in the household.

One of the most important things to do when caring for a pregnant cat is to provide her with a comfortable place to rest. Many owners simply put down a large box filled with old newspaper. Old torn up shirts or wash cloths are also suitable. Don't use a material that isn't safe for your kitty.

Besides a comfortable place to rest her head, your cat will also need plenty of food. Your cat's diet will need to change somewhat during this time. It is best that your pregnant cat be fed food that offers more protein and calcium than her regular food. Your veterinarian may even suggest that you give her supplements too.

Although the health of the mother is very important, medications are usually off-limits for pregnant cats. They may cause problems for the kittens. Even flea and tick prescriptions should be discontinued during this time. Only emergency medications should be given to pregnant cats.

While the human gestation period is nine months, it is only nine weeks for a cat. Approximately a week before your cat is due, you should start monitoring her a bit more closely. When the time finally comes, hopefully you'll be around in case your cat needs you.

It is always best to have your vet's number on-hand just in case an emergency pops up. You may even want to have an emergency vet lined up just in case you can't contact your regular one. Although a number of different situations can arise while caring for a pregnant cat. You'll especially want to call your vet if you notice your cat trying to pass a kitten for more than 20 minutes with no results.

After a successful birth, the mother will provide all of her kittens' needs. Not only will she provide them with food and keep them clean, but will also help regulate their body temperature since they will be unable to do so on their own.

Unless you plan to have a house full of kittens, you will need to make other arrangements. Try to find a good home for the new litter. Since it may take a while to do so, you may actually want to start looking for prospective owners even before your cat has given birth. Just make sure that you actually place them in good homes

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