--> Animal Diseases And Symptoms: How to Treat Worms Ascaris In Cats

Kamis, 04 Desember 2014

How to Treat Worms Ascaris In Cats

Ascariasis (Ascaris worms Disease In Cats)
The disease is caused by a worm ascariasis Toxocara group. The disease is often infect kittens with 1 to 5 months of age. Almost all kittens in this world kind of Ascaris worms exposed to this.
The severity caused by worms askaris depends on the extent of the number of worms that infect. Disease in kittens also cause noticeable symptoms and bad for cats infected.
While the adult cat somewhat more resistant to these worms. Symptoms that appear in children askaris worm infected cats are kittens suffer from coughing, then was treated by a cough, but does not heal as well, so it should be suspected that the kittens had been attacked by worms of this type. Coughing in kittens is caused by the larvae in the organs of his lungs.
On microscopic examination of stool or feces, approximately 80% of the total population in the world infected kittens Ascaris eggs.
Mode of transmission of Ascaris in kittens occurs through worm eggs accidentally swallowed a kitten. This askaris worm eggs often contaminate food place, a cat drinks, cages and so forth. Transmission can also occur through the mother cat to her child during pregnancy in the future, so that when the kittens were born have been hit by this worm askaris.
Worm Transmission trip Askaris
The askaris worm infection process is as follows:
Cats swallow worm eggs - eggs hatch in the stomach worm cat - ascaris worm larvae will go through the intestinal wall cat - worm its way into the blood stream and the flow of blood to the heart kitten - this worm will be to the lungs (via the bloodstream in the lung, the worm will break capillaries then go up into the air sacs of the lungs). The worm will then head to the upper respiratory tract so that the worm will be up in the esophagus. After reaching dikerongkongan then the worm will be swallowed back into the intestine kitten and become adult worms and breeding which will damage the intestine kitten.
Clinical symptoms that appear due to ascaris worms in kittens is:
• Stomach kittens enlarged although not much to eat,
• Kittens visible abdominal pain with characteristics such as mew-mew, on standing position rather broad hind legs to withstand the pain in his stomach.
• Cats will also have anemia, the body feels weak, restless, dull hair, watery eyes, breath panting cat, kitten experiencing shortness of breath,
• Kittens also do not want to breast-feeding mother,
• Sometimes kittens will also suffer from diarrhea and vomiting.
Death kittens usually accelerated by the presence of a secondary infection resulting in inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia).
When the kittens are still willing to suckle its mother, usually occurs death one by one without showing clinical symptoms, only symptoms rather large belly and limp, so we have to suspect that the death was caused by Ascaris this.
If the attack on adult cats, only cause mild symptoms are stunted growth, dull hair and stood, watery eyes, lethargy, decreased appetite, then when eating just choose meat only, even in heavy meals just licked then left to go.
How Prevention and Treatment Askaris Worms In Cats
Prevention worming most effective askaris
• Perform sanitation kitten a good cage, the cage should be disinfected once a week. This method can greatly help reduce the worms in kittens.
• Dirt kitten should not be stacked and left alone, but must be discarded,
• In the litter of kittens should be coated with newspapers so if shitting kittens large or dirt, the dirt kittens can be discarded and the base can be replaced with a new newspaper.
• Provision of worming treatment for kittens regularly, especially at weaning kittens.
• adult cat will be mated should be worming
• Parent cat who gave birth should be given worming.
• To increase endurance kitten that is not susceptible to worms, it can be given vitamins and nutritious foods.
• For this type of worm medicine can be given the type of albendazole from the age of 1 month, and then repeated once a month.
• Adult cats should be given worming every 2-3 months.

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