--> Animal Diseases And Symptoms: Causes Loss In Cats Fur

Minggu, 07 Desember 2014

Causes Loss In Cats Fur

Conditions on cat hair loss is often referred to as alopecia or baldness. This situation is a common problem that is common in cats. Cat hair loss can be partially / partial or total, may occur with varying patterns or symmetrical.

Signs or characteristics of any loss in cats demonstrated the presence of redness on skin areas that experienced a loss, a lump, but sometimes also do not indicate a change in the fur and skin around the area that suffered the loss.

Causes of hair loss variegated cat, could be due to hormonal disorders, high thyroid levels in the body of a cat, an increase of steroids can also trigger hair loss cats, ADE vitamin deficiency can also cause hair loss or cat can also be caused by parasites of the skin such as scabies disease, ringworm, scabies, scabies and fungal in cats. Skin disease in cats in general and certainly cause hair loss in cats infected. Besides, there are also hair loss due to cancer that attacks the cat, usually cancer drugs are also a cause of hair loss cat.

Treatment should be tailored to address the causes of hair loss, although it is sometimes very difficult to treat, especially hair loss due to cancer and hormonal disorders. While the treatment of hair loss due to parasitic skin disease easier to treat.

Then for the prevention of hair loss cat until now has not found a definite method for it. We can only maintain the quality remains good feed to ensure adequate protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals as well as keep a cat is not a skin disease. This was done due to hormonal imbalance positively correlated to the quality and quantity of feed the cat.

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