Hairball / Cat Fur Ball
Hairball in cats is a situation where the presence of cat hair ball shaped in the stomach or intestines cat stomach. As we know that the cat's fur can not be digested by the intestine, so if the cat swallows fur because of frequent licking the fur itself then will gradually accumulate in the stomach. This condition is normal and not a problem if a small amount, but it will cause problems if the number of lots and cat fur balls in the enlarged abdomen due to accumulation of entry of feathers into the gut / stomach cat.
Usually, most of the ingested by the cat hair will be issued through the digestive system of the cat in his stool. Problems will occur when the plume could not excreted / removed and collect / accumulate in the stomach or intestines cat then the plume formed a solid ball and causing obstruction in the stomach. What happens then the cat will try to regurgitate the fur ball out of the stomach.
Clinical signs of hairballs in cats is more often associated with the digestive system such as the cat was vomiting, loss of appetite, and constipation. Genesis hairballs itself does not cause respiratory symptoms in cats, so it does not appear the symptoms of shortness of breath or cough in patients cat hairball. Most incidence of impaction in cats is due to a foreign object stuck in the cat intestine caused by cat fur ball shaped solid.
Other signs in cases of severe hairball cat is enlarged abdomen, can not defecate or it could also happen diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite cats.
Treatment is often done is to provide products that work to clean up and remove the feathers from the belly of a cat. The drug functions as a lubricant so that the belly of the cat's fur easy exit through the feces. Examples of drugs for the cat hairball is Laxaton or catlax. However, if the ball of fur on the belly of a huge cat then surgery is one option in dealing with the hairball.
Before the hairball in cats helps us prevent such kajadian. There are some precautionary steps to prevent hairball in cats include:
• Frequent combing cat hair, so hair loose and fall out can be eliminated from the body of the cat.
• There is a good wipe with a damp cloth cat fur
• Using a product that can remove fur from the belly of a cat, for example laxative, laxaton, catlax etc.
Use products that are sold on the market that can help to overcome the cat hairball usually consists of oil that are not digested by the intestine cat but the product is safe to use and does not cause stomach problems in cats. The product works as a lubricant in the digestive tract to help the fur cat is out of the belly of a cat. If this is done regularly, then the fur ball was never formed.
We do not recommend that you use homemade products containing butter or oil, because it can bring other digestive problems or absorbed by the digestive system of the cat.
High-fiber diet or fiber supplements can also help with chronic hairball problem. Fiber can help remove excess fur through the digestive system of the cat and will be issued through the feces. Whatever product you choose, use it regularly, according to the manufacturer's recommendations, to prevent the recurrence of a hairball.
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