--> Animal Diseases And Symptoms: How To Take Care For Beautiful Cat Fur

Senin, 08 Desember 2014

How To Take Care For Beautiful Cat Fur

care for cat fur
Knowledge of how to care for both the cat fur or Angora Persian cat owners should know. By taking care of the cats fur is expected that fur persian cat / Angora look better and beautiful, so nice to be petted and be seen by anyone.
Cat fur nice and wonderful it should be cared for by the owner prior to the types of Angora and Persian cats. In general, for cat owners, their fur on the sofa or chair is a common thing, but if it is too overwhelming presence of the plume then we should be suspicious that there has been a loss of fur on our cats. It required knowledge of how to care for the cat's fur.
Here is how to care for and maintain in order to remain beautiful cat fur;
1. Give the balanced nutrition, including the quality and amount of food. There is a lack of vitamins and amino acids in cats can cause cat hair becomes dull and can cause hair loss.
2. Comb your cat hair as often as possible. By combing the cat's fur, then we have to do therapy on the skin a cat so that the circulation of blood under the skin to be smooth, in addition to combing the fur cat fur cat will loose swept away the comb. How to comb a good cat fur is first, comb in the opposite direction of the flow of fur, do it slowly so that the cat is not in pain on the matted fur. Then according to the groove feather comb to groom the cat's fur.
3. If the cat fur is dirty then it is better soon to be bathed, a minimum of once a week. Most cats will be difficult to be bathed, as most cats afraid of this water is in the nature of the cat itself. Naturally without human assistance, the cat licking his fur with her own body, but it can bring adverse effects, such as swallowing feathers come into the belly of a cat and over time can lead to a buildup in the intestines of cats and cause abdominal pain in the cat. For that we need to help clear the way cat fur bathing him. To bathe a cat choose a suitable shampoo for cats, because there are some cats that do not fit on a certain type of shampoo. This may be due to the cat's skin is sensitive to certain shampoos, so try a shampoo that is suitable for sensitive cats are strongly encouraged to seek appropriate Sampho.
4. The need for control of ticks and fleas in the home environment. Fleas and ticks is the cause of the itching of the skin of cats and can cause hair loss in cats. To eradicate lice and fleas in the environment then do the cleaning on a regular basis in the narrow areas in the room or the house.
5. For the prevention of the cat's body from being exposed to ticks, then give anti-lice regularly at least once every 2 months, for example fronline spot on for paint.

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