--> Animal Diseases And Symptoms: Cells & Cats The Normal Blood Chemistry

Kamis, 04 Desember 2014

Cells & Cats The Normal Blood Chemistry

Healthy Cat Lab Test Results
Blood cells and blood chemistry is a state of the laboratory test results are used to detect abnormalities and diseases of the body, it is not only applicable to humans, but can be used for animals such as dogs, cats, monkeys, cows, horses, and animals-other animals. Even for rhino or other wildlife that can be used. With the results of laboratory tests, the level of accuracy to be more precise diagnosis.
As we know that the accuracy of diagnosis is very influential on healing. With accuracy dianosa the determination of drugs, remedies and treatment of disease in cats is getting right. From the results of the blood test laboratory can also determine the severity of a disease, can thus be determined outcome prognosis of the disease in cats.
Prognosis of the disease there are three, namely dubious, Fausta and infausta. Dubious means that the disease recovery rate of 50%, for Fausta means that the disease can be cured 100%, while infausta means that the disease can not be cured. Prognosis or prognosis it in layman's language is the verdict of the doctor.
Once the importance of a laboratory result in diagnosing the disease, so as to diseases that have similar symptoms and do not have pathognomonis symptoms (symptoms that distinguish) then my suggestion for a blood test. This blood test depends on the need to support the doctor's diagnosis. For example in leptospirosis, panleukopenia, trombositopinia, diabetes, and other diseases. With the results of these laboratory tests, the veterinarian will easily determine whether the cat disease bacteria, viruses, parasites or any obnormalitas organs. To read the results of the laboratory test itself can only be done by a doctor, because in it contains the numbers of the condition or state of cat blood as blood chemistry and blood cells. Which includes blood cells are red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and others. While that included blood chemistry is total protein, albumin, globulin, and Glucose.
Here are the results of laboratory tests of blood cells and blood chemistry were normal cats. If the condition of the blood cells and blood chemistry of our cats under or above the normal range then we can say the cat is sick.
Blood Cells and Blood Chemistry Cat The Normal

Cats Blood Cells:
• White blood cells (WBC), normal healthy cats 5.5 - 19.5
• Red blood cells (RBC), normal healthy cats 5.0-10.0
• HB, normal healthy cats 8.0-15.0
• Hematocrit, normal healthy cat 24.5 - 45.0
• MCV, normal healthy cat 39.0 - 55.0
• MCH, normal healthy cat 12.5 - 17.5
• MCHC, normal healthy cat 30.0 - 36.0
• Platelets (PLT), 113 normal healthy cat 300-800
• lymphocytes, normal healthy cat 20.0 - 55.0
• granulocytes, normal healthy cat 35.0 - 78.0
• Lymphocytes, healthy cats normally 1.5 - 7.0
• RDW, normal healthy cat 13.0 - 17.0
• PCT, cats normal conditions 0.0 - 2.9
• MPV, normal healthy cat 12.0 - 17.0
• PDW, cats normal conditions 0.0 - 50.0

Blood Chemistry Cat:
• Total Protein, healthy cats normally 5.7 - 8.0
• Albumin, healthy cats normally 2.4 - 3.7
• Globulin, healthy cats normally 2.6 - 5.1
• Ratio A / G, normal healthy cats 0.6-1.1
• Glucose, normal healthy cats 60-100
So in diagnosing diseases in cats not be carelessly, errors in diagnosis, it will cause disease in cats we will not recover.
What if there is no laboratory results of the blood test? if no then it is usually a veterinarian will see symptoms of the disease by physical examination with a stethoscope, thermometer or other tools are required, in addition to the required also travel history or pathogenesis of the disease, and there will always be a differential diagnosis of the disease.
Similarly, on the blood cells and blood chemistry were normal in cats from the results of laboratory tests.

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