--> Animal Diseases And Symptoms: 2015

Jumat, 08 Mei 2015

Tips On Potty Training A Puppy

Bringing home a new pet is always an exciting and happy time that everyone in the family enjoys. There is nothing more beautiful than a new puppy with their boundless energy and excitement. However, before you bring your new puppy home, it is important you know how to potty train the puppy to ensure he/she doesn't ruin your lovely home. In this article we will be looking at a few do's and don'ts when it comes to potty training.

The first step is to establish a specific place where your dog can go to the bathroom. Of course, this should be somewhere outside, but you should pick one specific spot. Then, every morning, as soon as you wake up, you should take the puppy out to that spot and wait until they defecate. This may take awhile especially the first time, however, make sure to stay there for however long it takes! Once the dog is done, make sure to reward him with a treat or praise as positive affirmation.

It is critical that you repeat this behavior every single morning without fail so that the puppy learns that whenever he needs to use the bathroom, he has to go to that specific spot outside. If you are consistent, you will definitely be rewarded by having a wonderfully potty trained animal. However, I am certain there will be some mornings when you wake up late and may find that your puppy has done their deed inside your house!

It is very important that you don't yell at or punish your dog, since it would be an accident and not their fault. Simply remove your dog to the proper spot outside and clean the mess up. Of course, even if you do diligently potty train your puppy, remember that he is still a puppy and will make mistakes. Whenever this happens, make sure to firmly tell him "no" but never yell, scream or hit him! If you do, then this will probably cause your puppy to develop nervous and anxious behaviors which will create even more problems in the long run.

Lastly, when potty training your puppy, be aware of your own energy and try not to be anxious or inpatient. This can have a negative effect on an impressionable puppy which can elongate the potty training process.

What Causes Some Dogs to Get Car Sick?

A person getting car sick is bad enough. No one likes feeling nauseated from motion sickness and certainly no one likes cleaning up after the experience either! But even worse is when you have a pet that is prone to motion sickness.

A person who has a tendency toward car sickness can always plan ahead and possibly take a medication that relieves the symptoms or use some other method such as pressure point therapy to combat the problem. But a dog can't communicate its needs like a human. Often you don't know there's a problem until you hear that dreaded "urping" sound -- and by then it's too late!

What is it that causes a dog to get car sick? It's actually not all that different from humans. In fact, it's often just the luck of the draw, as it were. Some dogs, and even cats, are just plain prone to car sickness. But there are some things you can do to prevent the problem.

It's important to note that often motion sickness is a problem common to puppies. This is because the area in the ear that controls balance has not yet developed completely. As a result they get dizzy or off kilter and this manifests itself through nausea.

If your pup has gotten sick several times in the car he may also come to associate the car with these unpleasant feelings. Thus, he becomes his own worst enemy and may well be causing his own car sickness. In such a case, a little Dramamine or similar medication for car sickness may help. After a few uneventful trips your pup will hopefully stop associating the car with sickness and adjust to the experience. Some even come to love going "bye-bye in the car."

Since Fido can't tell you he's feeling sick, you will want to familiarize yourself with the telltale signs, which include some or all of the following:

- Squirminess, indicating he's uncomfortable;

- Listlessness;

- Whining;

- Constant yawning;

- Drooling more than usual; and, finally,

- Vomiting

If this has been a problem with your dog, plan ahead. Keep towels in the car and maybe even a room deodorizer for clean-up. Keep Dramamine in an accessible place -- your purse or the glove compartment, for instance.

Another important tip is not to let him watch out the side window of the car. Watching everything rush past him is bound to trigger the nausea! If he wants to look out a window, be sure he's facing forward. They actually make seat belts for dogs that restrict them to a forward position.

It also helps if you can keep the drive as smooth as possible. This means anticipating and avoiding as many bumps or potholes as possible. It may also help to keep a window cracked open at least a little to give him some fresh air.

Whatever you can do to ease your dog's discomfort will ease yours also and enable you to concentrate on your driving rather than the disaster slowly developing in the seat behind you!

What You Need To Do If Your Puppy Gets Sick

Puppies are fragile animals that need extra love and attention until they can grow into their full adult bodies. When a puppy becomes sick you may be confused as what to do to ensure that the puppy recovers fully. There are a few practices you can take to help your puppy heal and feel better about themselves throughout the entire sickness. Follow the advice outlined here so that you can rest assured that your puppy will be fine and that he or she will recover in a short amount of time.

First of all it is important to keep the puppy warm, especially during the colder months out of the year. Consider purchasing an extra blanket or two for the puppy's bed so that they can snuggle comfortably in between the sheets. Secondly, keep your home warm to allow your puppy a comfortable area to inhabit. Always make sure your puppy has plenty of food and water so that they can remain properly nourished to help combat their sickness. All of these things are important towards helping your puppy remain comfortable and healthy.

Have you taken your puppy to the veterinarian? Depending on the severity of the sickness, you may want to take your puppy to get checked by a veterinarian. He or she may be able to prescribe some medication for your puppy to take so that he or she can heal quicker. No matter what you do it is important to help make your puppy feel loved, especially if they just moved into your home not too long ago. Pet your puppy and give it genuine love to let he or she know they are accepted in your household, that way the puppy feels confident about its living situation.

One last thing you should always do in your home is clean it thoroughly. Remove as much dirt, dust, and grime from your home as possible. Avoid creating an atmosphere where the puppy can breathe in a lot of dust and other particles, this is not healthy for the puppy. Try your best to clean your home as frequently as possible not only for your puppy's health, but for your health as well. Also, clean your kitchen and bathroom thoroughly to remove the possibility of mold from accumulating throughout your home. Mold is toxic and can harm you, your puppy, and anyone else living in your home. Maintain a clean home and take care of your pet and they will be back to normal in no time.

Your Liability As A Dog Owner

Depending on where you live your liability as a dog owner can seem very confusing. Ensuring that you are fulfilling your legal obligations while giving your pooch love can be complicated at best. Some of the things you are liable for may even be surprising.

First you are of course liable if your dog bites or hurts someone. Generally this applies only when you are not on your own property. Walking your dog, transferring them to the vets office, or going to the dog park are all places this completely applies. It also applies to other dogs, so if your dog is rough with other dogs you need to watch it carefully.

This even applies if the person is on your property. It is your job to make sure that your dogs remain in your control at all times. Even a beware of dog sign will not excuse you from this liability. If a person is taunting your dog or trespassing however you are not negligent.

A good example of negligence on your own property is your mail carrier. We all know of the cartoons and jokes where a mail carrier comes to deliver mail and leaves the property injured by a dog that someone was not watching. While carriers expect to avoid some animals allowing your animal to terrorize the carrier daily or actually harm them can result in a lawsuit being filed against you.

Secondly you are responsible for any and all property damage your dog causes. In some cases owners may consider your dogs waste to be damage and you may be fined if you do not ensure that it is picked up and kept with you at all times. Beyond this shared fences and other such items with your neighbors are also covered.

However if you were reasonably attempting to control your dog you may argue that you are not responsible. Things like your dog breaking free of it's leash for the first time or tunneling under a fence that you didn't know had to be fixed can be examples of this. Not fixing these situations or allowing them to continue will however provide proof of your negligence should an incident occur.

Finally if your dog creates an unsafe environment you may also be charged with negligence. If your dog messes on a sidewalk and someone slips you may be sued. If your dog digs holes on public land and someone breaks their ankle you may be liable. And if your dog threatens the neighborhood cat and causes them to come to harm you may be liable.

These are very general rules and may not apply in your area. Many of these depend completely on your local ordinances and looking up the corresponding legal codes may save you some stress. However if you follow these recommendations you can be pretty sure you won't be found liable for the actions of your dog.

Controlling your dog and the environment around them will reduce your liability. Giving you more time to give your canine companion love without worry. In addition you will not be surprised by a lawsuit that seems to come from no-where.

Five Ways To Enjoy A Walk With Your Dog

Walking is a boring activity. It is also a very easy activity but that doesn't necessarily make you want to walk. Here is a list of five different ways to make a walk more fun and involve your dog. Try one or more of them to kick start not only your fitness but your dogs fitness as well.

Take a camera with you when you are walking. You can use it to take selfies of you and your dog as well as things that your dog finds interesting.

Once you are used to taking pictures turn your walk into a scavenger hunt. See how early you can find and photograph the first red leaf of the season. In the spring see how many early shoots you can see. Every season will have something you can find and take a picture of making you walk less but have more fun.

Get a companion to walk with you. Finding someone who you get along with and who also wants to get in shape is a great way to make your walk fly by. If they have a dog get them to bring it along so your dog also has a walking buddy. This is also a great way to make sure you get out and walk when you say you are going to do so. Set a schedule and meet each other in a convenience place for a nice stroll with good company.

Bring your children with you. Walking with a curious dog or child will often make your walk seem like less of a chore. Children and pets alike will often take the chance to explore taking you onto paths you haven't seen before and increasing your enjoyment of the walk. This is also a great way to tire them out so you have more time to relax after your walk.

Walk somewhere you need to go. For this method you should choose something you want and will enjoy rather than something you are dreading. See it as a reward at the end of your walk and you can enjoy both the walk and the proverbial pot of gold at the end of your walk rainbow.

Finally turn your walk into a time to catch up on music, podcasts, or news broadcasts. Get yourself a good pair of headphones and listen to something while you are walking. Choose something that will put you in a good mood and make you feel productive. This might even be a good way to get caught up on all that reading you have been putting off.

2 Reasons So Many Dogs Are Put To Sleep Each Year

In this article I would like to discuss 2 reasons that so many dogs end up in shelters and are put to sleep each year.

The first reason is a lack of proper house training. Training your dog to do it's business in the correct place (outside on the grass) is very important. It seems like dog owners seem to be very patient and be willing to make all types of excuses when their dog is a puppy and having accidents. However there comes a point, usually around 12 months old when the owners say we have to get this dog house trained or it will have to go to the shelter.

Unfortunately as you are aware there always seems to be an abundance of dogs without homes and because of that over a million dogs a year are put to sleep in shelters all over the U.S. According to the ASPCA about 1.2 million dogs are put to sleep each year.

So if you want to help cut down that number make sure you house train your dog early. If you need help you can always get the help of a local trainer that can guide you through the steps to make it happen.

The other reason so many dogs are put to sleep each year has to do with lazy dog owners. Unfortunately some new dog owners do not realize how important proper training including obedience training is for their dogs welfare. Yes, a dog that is trained is much more likely to stay in a home and not end up in a shelter. Sometimes dog owners are just simply too lazy to take the time to do that training. They just do not realize that with as little as 15 minutes of training a day they can have a well behaved obedient dog.

Dogs that don't get trained do all sorts of bad things including destroying furniture, chewing up the carpet, knocking the kids down and more. These are the dogs that finally get booted out the door and end up in shelters.

Let me tell you a little secret. Every dog is trainable. Some may be a little more difficult than others but they can all be trained to be good family members. So save a dog's life today by going home and training your dog, it will love you for it.

There Is More Than One Way To Train A Dog

There are actually several different ways to train a dog. Some methods are actually better than others and achieve better results.

DIY - Of course you can always train your dog yourself however the results are not always what you would hope they would be. Training your dog can be very a very enjoyable adventure if you know what you are doing or at least have a little help and guidance from a professional trainer.

Group Training Classes - These are usually the least costly method to train your dog with the help of a trainer. However that surely doesn't mean that it is good for everyone. First of all the classes are held at a specific time and you have to be there no matter what other plans you may have. If you miss a class there is usually an additional charge. Usually the dogs are so distracted by each other that they are not listening to the handlers instructions. The instructor has to divide his/her attention on everybody in the class so there is very little personal attention. So it seems that your issues never seem to get resolved.

Private Lessons - This is considered the most effective method to train your dog. Everything is done in the dogs home so there aren't any distractions. You will add distractions slowly to the training as the dog progresses with the training. The most important thing for you to remember is that the dog should be trained at least once a day for no more than a 15 minute session. Twice a day is even better and three time a day is the ultimate, but never more than 15 minutes in a session.

Board and Train - This is a method than if done correctly can give you a nicely trained dog. The program should be at least 4 weeks, 28 days. Anything less and the results will not be what you hoped for. Make sure that the program you are looking at includes the exercise that you would like you do to be able to do. The program should also include at least two private lessons after the training to teach you what your dog already knows. This is the definitely the easiest way to get a trained dog.

Teaching your dog the basic exercises is a must, and you may even want to go farther with some advanced training. Continuing on to advanced training can be a lot of fun and enjoyment for you and your dog.

Essential Dog Care Tips for Caring Owners in Dealing With Canine Aggression

Aggressive behavior tops the list of pet-related problems that dog owners have to face. Canine aggression can be a serious problem, indeed. Amongst dogs, this behavior is just another means of communicating intention. However, in the presence of humans, these behaviors are largely unacceptable, especially if they are already becoming disruptive and affect the household and the community.

Although some dog breeds are by nature made of stronger, sterner stuff there are no conclusive reports showing evidence that one breed is more likely to present with aggressive behavior than all the others are. The likelihood of developing aggression depends mostly on the temperament of the individual dog and the environmental factors that influence its day-to-day activities.

The nature of canine aggression

There is no definitive solution for dog aggression simply because the behavior is very complex. As a communication tool, the wrong response from the dog's human companions could lead to physical harm. Aggression has different manifestations, including excessive barking, snarling, biting, snapping, and baring teeth. Animal behavior specialists have differing opinions with regard to canine aggression. Nevertheless, they agree that it is important to sort out the possible causes first in order for the behavior to be dealt with effectively.

Types of aggressive behavior amongst dogs

There are different types of aggression, and it is imperative for the members of the household to have a clear idea as to the motivation and intention behind the aggression.

One of the most common types is possessive or territorial aggression, which involves an attitude of defensiveness toward a specific property, location, or territory. Dogs that are usually walked around the neighborhood may consider the entire street its "territory." If there are other animals or people whom the dog thinks is invading its space, it becomes possessive and eventually aggressive and considers "others" as a threat. The same possessive aggression may manifest towards a specific toy or object that the dog feels attached toward.

A similar defensive response is behind another type of aggression. Although there are fundamental similarities between territorial aggression and aggression that is motivated by fear, the latter is mostly attached to the assumption of the animal that there are threats to its well-being. In some dogs, this reaction is elicited by the presence of other dogs, especially canines that are bigger or meaner-looking. Some harmless actions performed by humans may be perceived as potentially harmful by dogs. These may lead to fear-motivated aggression as well.

Another type of aggression is known amongst dog behavioralists as redirected aggression. The animal that is provoked may not respond directly to the source of the stimulus. Instead, it might redirect the aggressive response to another person or another object. In this regard, some dogs have a low threshold. These dogs are most likely to bite the hands that feed them.

Kamis, 07 Mei 2015

What Is Inbreeding and Line Breeding: And Their Importance?

We begin this article first by defining the word Inbreeding.

Inbreeding the production of offspring by parents more closely related than the average of the population. Genetically, inbreeding increases the portion of homozygous genes in the inbred population.

Line breeding is a form of inbreeding in which an attempt is made to concentrate the inheritance of someone ancestor, or line of an ancestor in a pack.

It gives me great pleasure to share a topic with those of interest in defining this subject of dog breeding. As a genetic major and master breeder I bring forth this article because so many people in the dog business are raising dogs and you always hear the comment "Oh, he inbreeds his family." Well I share this article with you so that before you make a comment, at least you should know what the words mean and how they can be used in a positive way to help the breed we so dearly love, the Jack Russell Breed!

Inbreeding is a mating system in which progeny are produced by parents more closely related than the average of the population from which they come. Example A: The mating of a Father to his daughter

Example B: The mating of a full brother to a full sister.

These procedure are avoided because past experience has shown that inbreeding is usually associated with the appearance of genetic defects and a general overall decline of vigor and performance.

In humans, it is believed that children from the marriage of first cousins are doomed to be deformed physically or mentally, and this belief is the reason we have laws to prohibit the marriage of close relatives.

The genetic effect of inbreeding is that it makes more pairs of genes in population homozygous regardless of the kind of gene action involved. All phenotypic effects of inbreeding result from this one genetic effect.

Inbred animals are usually less able to cope with their environment than are non-inbred animals. This is shown by their ability to reproduce and the litter size declines along with slower growth rate and small body size at maturity. You will also see a weakening in the immune system that will cause more diseases and illness within these inbred individuals. Some of the other negative effects we Jack Russell breeders really need to look at is jaw line, how the teeth line up in our puppies and by which the families and the individual we use we can identify progeny with any other defects early.

Now we move on to the topic of line breeding and its benefits. Line breeding is a form of inbreeding in which an attempt is made to concentrate the inheritance of one ancestor, or one line of ancestors and is usually a male rather than a female because a male generally produces many more descendants than a female. Line breeding is usually a mild form of inbreeding that is directed toward one ancestor which often involves half sibling mating. It can also be used as close as a grandfather - grand-daughter mating or an uncle - niece mating. Again you will be increasing the genetic traits of the sire you wish to use. I think this method will be beneficial to help understand the definition and their use in any breeding program. But again we must always strive to produce as structurally correct and genetically sound Short Legged Jack Russell Terrier that we can all be proud of.

For instance, some of the traits we should avoid when mating our Short Legged Jack Russell Terrier are excessive length of back and poor quality legs that are not straight and sound. We always would prefer a dog whose ear fits his head and folds down not upright. Again we must watch the jaw line for over and under bites. We must also keep in mind the depth of body capacity and the openness of their rib cage, after all this is where the puppies will be carried. Again you want a dog that has a wide base width when viewed from the rear. This also effects the birthing process. And again you want a prominent vulva on your females because the more correct we make our dogs the longer their breeding lifespan and overall health will be enhanced. This again will ensure you and your client of a puppy you will both be proud of!

Adult Dog Potty Training

Adult dog potty training - "Man, I thought those reeking days were over... do we need to do dog potty training again - this time as an adult dog?"

If your dog was already toilet trained properly, why would he suddenly start toileting inside again?

Even a dog that was:

- Already toilet trained properly,

- Was keeping to an appropriate toileting routine for a nice amount of time,

- Isn't sick or anything like that,

Can quite suddenly start toileting inside the house.

Dogs will toilet inside the house for 3 main reasons:

They don't know any better. This is the case with small new puppies.

Your dog, however DOES know better.

Well, here's another 2 reasons why...

You may think of your dog as a nice little pet, a cute addition to your human family.

But, your dog thinks differently...

Like a DOG!

Your dog is 99.98% the DNA of a wolf. They have the instincts of wolves.

Wolves in the wild live together in packs, and there are pack-leaders.

Here's how HE looks at it...

YOU and YOUR FAMILY are an addition to HIS dog pack. And most of the time HE considers himself YOUR leader.

If you've never been educated about becoming the pack leader, chances are you aren't. There's a specific set of rules that you need to follow to let your dog know that YOU are in charge, not THEM.

He thinks he's responsible to protect you and he's in charge to make all the decisions regarding HIS pack - you and your family. Essentially, he's the boss and you're the employee.

It's the boss's job to make sure it's pack members are safe and don't get lost.

It's the boss's job to make his leadership and territory is obvious to its pack members and to invading outsiders.

In the wild, anyone who leaves the pack is lost. The way a lost puppy finds his way back -- is by following its nose back to the den. And what does the den smell from? You guessed it... (YUCK!).

So if your adult dog is toileting inside, and it's when you're away:

Your dog has assumed the role as pack leader and takes responsibility over your disappearance. When you leave your home, he thinks you got lost. Now it's his job to help you navigate your way back by smell. So your dog kindly 'refreshes' the smell of its den (your living room carpet), to help you get back safely.

If these accidents are happening even when you're home, here's the other reason:

Because your dog is the pack leader, leaders mark their territory to show everyone who the boss here. They mark their territory by toileting around their space.

In summary, potty problems at the adult stage most of the time is a 'dog psychology' problem, not a training problem.

Putting your dog through more adult dog potty training is not the solution here. He already knows good and well that your living room is not meant to be his toilet.

The Soonest Time Possible to Tell If Your Dog Is Pregnant

There are times when suspicion arises pertaining to the pregnancy state of your dog. When you suspect, but you are not sure of whether your speculations are true or false, you need a specialist or an experienced neighbor to come and assess the situation for you. However, these people do not use a pregnancy kit to test for the pregnancy and you really want to know the symptoms they read so that you can as well study the dog by yourself when it becomes pregnant again.

Gestational period

Dogs do carry pregnancies for only nine weeks. Many pregnancy symptoms are seen after the dog has carried the pregnancy for more than half of the period hence making the dog's gestational period to seem even shorter than anticipated.

Symptoms and detection

Most of the pregnancy symptoms in dogs are manifested during its fifteenth week of pregnancy. This is a long time after it became pregnant and the time to delivery is shorter than the time it got the pregnancy. The nipples of the pregnant dog start increasing in size and become darker. Several days later, the hair that covers these nipples start to fall out and the mammary glands start to sag.

Between the third and the fourth week after the dog become pregnant, the dog starts having nausea and tends to have less appetite. This is the earliest time that the experienced dog keepers will sense that their dogs are pregnant. However, they just suspect but there is no guarantee because some other infections can as well come with nausea and loss of appetite. The difference between pregnant women and pregnant dogs is that whereas the former may tend to vomit at some stage, the latter experiences less vomiting.

Between the forth and the fifth week, there is always a tendency of some vaginal discharge being released from the vagina of the expectant dog. The discharge is always full of clear mucous. This is however a symptom that appears in a majority of dogs but may not be in all. Veterinary officers are able to detect the heartbeat of the dog at this point by the use of ultra sound machines and this is the perfect time that the vet officer can confirm and assure you of whether the dog is pregnant or your suspicions were not right.

Veterinary officers at this stage can take blood samples and test for hormonal levels in the dog's blood. However, in this test, there are always some false positives hence making this test an inaccurate and unreliable method of testing for the dog pregnancy. This is especially the case in little litters. Lucky enough, this is a stage when by the use of experienced hands; the vet can feel the abdomen of the dog and be able to feel young developing puppies there. More sophisticated machines such as the x-rays and ultra sound machines can be good for confirmation of the results.


It is important to properly feed your dog and give it proper veterinary attention once you suspect that they are pregnant. Lots of proteins and light exercises are necessary during this period.

Japheth Kagolla is a trained medical health missionary. He is trained to treat people using simple natural remedies and foods. He also does lots of freelance writing on health related subjects.

Bulldog Puppies Are One Of The Most Rewarding Dog Breeds You Can Go For

The English bulldog is one of the most easily recognisable breeds that are available in today's society. They have become known for the companionship they give to their human family and also for their appearance which is unsightly for some but irresistible for others.

As with any dog it is important to train them from an early age and set boundaries with them. Although this has proven to be hard with the majority of bulldogs, once you do this they can develop a very sweet, patient and tolerant nature which is a defining factor to any person wanting to buy one.

Due to their personalities they have become known as the perfect family dog as they easily get on with children while at the same time looking to protect their human friends. They attach themselves to their family and this shows that they would make the perfect companionship to anyone who is looking for this.

Despite dividing opinions on how they look, they are deceptive in the sense that they make people think they are unhappy and moody. This is because if the saggy skin around the face which causes a frowning expression.

This is shown in the bulldog puppies in particular as they haven't "grown" into their skin yet and can give off an almost comical but sweet look. Despite being a lot smaller than a fully grown bulldog, they still have the same posture which is stocky with thick limbs.

The over-riding perception of bulldogs is that they are friendly, cuddly and dependable. The main reason for this is that they have been successfully bred to take out any characteristics which in the past made them appear to be vicious in nature.

In order to make sure this is the case you will need to be careful to do your research into each individual breeder to make sure that they are well known and respected. This is so you can buy in confidence and be sure that the puppy you are buying comes from the best possible bloodline and carries all the good traits.

Also, another factor that is important for finding a reputable breeder is that you will have the best possible chance in bringing home a healthy dog which you can care for and will provide you with happiness and become a member of the family.

When bulldog puppies are born it is important to make sure they are socialised with other dogs and also humans. This is so that when they are introduced to any other dog or human at a later date then they will act appropriately and not aggressively and maybe cause harm to others.

You can carry this on when you bring your new puppy home by bringing them to classes where you can learn yourself how to carry this on and continue to help them develop as they get older.

Despite the clown like behaviour of this breed, they are known to have a protective streak in them and are known to make good watchdogs when the time calls for it. As with all puppies, bulldogs are mischievous and you will need to make sure you keep things out of their reach that you do not want to be chewed.

The main things to remember are that you need to train your puppy as soon as it is brought home, with one of the more important factors being house training so they learn to not go to the toilet wherever they want to. Not only this but you must also teach them some of the more basic commands.

Information You Will Need To Know On English Bulldogs When Buying One

English bulldogs are fast becoming a very popular breed of dog to have when you want to own a pet. There are many reasons for this, but perhaps the most popular one is that they are very docile in nature and are known for being very good family dogs.

Before getting an English bulldog it is vitally important that you research all you can into the breed. This is so you are fully aware of what it takes to look after them and so you know what to expect from one in terms of behaviour, how much exercise it needs and it's feeding habits.

Without knowing this information you may find it very hard to take care of them. This is what happens too often with some people and they have to give them to animal adoption agencies so that they can be rehomed which becomes very stressful for the animal as they do not like change.

Their very laid back nature means that they are very good when it comes to being around kids and are able to put up more with their boisterous nature. This may be down to the fact that although they are one of the slightly smaller breeds they are very tough and hardy.

Originally they were known as vicious and received their name through their use in things like bearbaiting and bullbaiting. However, this is something that does not really have to be taken into account anymore as these traits have been bred out of them over time by various breeders.

If you ask anyone then the majority of the time you will be told that it is better to purchase a puppy rather than a full grown bulldog so that you can socialise them into your home and family as soon as possible. This is important so they learn not to become aggressive towards you.

It is seen as a gentle giant because of its stocky appearance but it's incredibly gentle temperament. When you are thinking of getting one it is very important to take into account that they crave human attention and will do what they can to get it. This is why you need to make sure you can give it to them before getting one.

Due to their nature and the fact that they are very determined is something which you must take notice of. while you are training it at whatever age you must make sure that it sees you as the leader of its pack, in this case it will see itself as a part of your family with you as the leader, typically only one person per household.

Just because bulldogs are short hair and shed frequently, it doesn't mean that you can get away with not cleaning them. Every week to two weeks it would be a good idea to brush them and also wipe between the skin folds around their face to get rid if the build-up of dirt.

Even though they are smaller and like to relax all day inside, it doesn't mean that they don't need exercise. It would be a good idea to give them regular exercise, maybe once a day, in order to keep them fit and healthy. However, you must only take them on walks that suit them and not ones that are too far.

The main reason for giving them, regular exercise would be to keep them from getting overweight. This in turn could potentially cause great discomfort by causing heart and lung problems for them in later life, along with the fact of aching joints from the added weight.

Dogs are always a good pet for many different kinds of homes. Children can have a buddy to follow them around. They can play with them. Adults are going to have a companion to come home to when they live alone. There are a lot of people who choose to get an English bulldog. These dogs are going to be great dogs for some people but are not for everyone. When people are looking for a bulldog puppy, they can visit Castlewood Bulldogs at http://www.CastlewoodBulldogs.com to find what they need. There are many options when considering a bulldog puppy but it is important that people are willing to make a lifelong commitment.

7 Dog Breeds With the Highest Rate of Cancer

Cancer can miserably strike any breed of dog at any age, studies have proved that there are certain breeds who have a higher rate of cancer. According to the experts, even the strongest breeds of dogs in the world are vulnerable to this life-threatening disease. Here is the list of breeds having greater incidences of cancer than other breeds.

Cancer Prone Dog Breeds

1) Rottweiler: These are one of the huge and powerful breeds, known for their strength. Unfortunately, they are prone to major health issues and have a higher rate of bone cancer than any other breed of dog. Thus, they need a lot of mental and physical exercise to minimize the risk of cancer.

2) Bernese Mountain Dog: These long and confident dogs also have high cancer rates. Bernese mountain dogs require a moderate exercise to prevent heat stroke in them. They are mostly affected between the age of 6-9 years. They face some serious health problems, including Canine hip Dysplasia, Gastric Torsion and Elbow Dysplasia.

3) Bouvier Des Flandres: These bold dogs are famous for being fearless and generally consider for farm work. They are also one of the top breeds having higher rates of cancer. They are also prone to many health conditions, including Heart Disease, Elbow Dysplasia, Glaucoma and Canine hip Dysplasia.

4) German Shepherd: They are considered as an intelligent and versatile dog breed. German shepherds are used for a variety of purposes, including as a police dog and as our companion. This breed dog is among those with a high rate of risk. These dogs lead to many types of cancers and Hemangiosarcoma is one of the most common type. These breeds require frequent training sessions to keep their bodies and minds active.

5) Great Dane: These breeds are larger and known for their graceful appearance and hunting skills. Like others, they also have a high rate of cancer and suffers from many other serious health conditions, including Cardiomyopathy, Osteosarcoma and Gastric Torsion.

6) Labrador Retriever: These are one of the friendly and loyal dog breeds. They do, however, have some of the highest cancer rates. The Labrador retriever has a tendency to retain weight, so it is necessary to keep them active and fit throughout their lives.

7) Bichon Frise: This is one of the smallest and the cutest breed among all. They are known for their playful nature and cheerful attitude. The Bichon Frise is prone to health issues, including Liver Disease, Allergies and Patellar Luxation. They are also at a higher risk of cancer, so it is crucial to detect the signs of cancer at the earliest stage to improve their health condition.

Experts suggest taking your dogs to a reliable animal hospital for a complete physical examination at least once a year to ensure a healthy lifestyle of your dogs.

Puppies For Sale: Are Your Children Ready?

If your children ask you to buy a new friend every time they see puppies for sale, you probably ask yourself if this is the right time. Before you reflexively say no - or before you decide to buy without thinking it through - make sure you do your research and consider your children's personalities to decide whether or not they are ready for a new pet.

How To Know If Your Child Is Ready For A Dog

Observe how your children behave when animals are around. If they respect animals and feel comfortable with them, this means that they are less likely to make a mistake with them. Visit the animal shelter or let them play with the neighbor's dog and see how they behave. It's always a good idea to take care of a pet before adopting or buying. Volunteer to take care of a friend's dog for a short time and evaluate how your family does with an animal at home. This will also let you know if anybody in the family has a previously unknown allergy to pet dander.

In addition, if your kids are able to handle small family tasks, that means they can likely handle some additional responsibility by caring for a dog. Make sure your kids know that a pet is a long-term responsibility and not a toy. If you suspect that they are wishing impulsively and will soon tire of an animal, it's better to wait.

In the end, it's not only about your children; it's also about you. Are you ready to take the responsibility of an animal if your children fall short? Do you have enough time? Can you afford it? Remember that even if your children are old enough to take care of an animal, the main responsibility usually falls on the adults. If the whole family is on board and willing to take that responsibility, a pet can bring great joy to your family.

Buying Puppies For Sale Or Adopting A Dog

Now that you've made the decision of adding a new member to your family, it's time to decide whether you should adopt or buy.

Every year, millions of animals are killed because there's not enough space on shelters. Adopting gives a dog the opportunity to live. Adopting is less expensive than buying a pet. Plus, when you adopt you get a healthy pet, shelters and stores keep their animals vaccinated.

On the other hand, if you have your heart set on getting a specific breed of dog, there are plenty of places where you can find puppies for sale from street vendors to private sellers to pet stores. It's strongly recommended that you adopt or find puppies for sale at a reputable store so you can make sure your new friend has all his vaccines and is in good health. Some stores offer both options: dogs for adoption and puppies for sale. Plus, when you go to a store, the personnel can help you find the right match for you and your family.

No matter where you go to find your new companion, make sure that you ask personnel to help you find the right match for you and your family. If you emphasize to your children the importance of their responsibility to their new dog, you can rest assured that your new animal will be well cared for in the years to come.

Basic Puppy Training Commands

The first of basic puppy training commands that you need to teach your pup is the 'sit' command. As the name suggests, when commanded, your pup should stop whatever it is doing and just sit wherever it is. This is basic puppy training 101, and won't take a lot of time if done correctly. To teach your dog to sit, bring it in an open environment, where there aren't many distractions. Then, in a loud and clear voice, speak out the word 'Sit'. At first, the dog won't notice. But once you have its attention, ask it to sit. Give it a few tries as the dog attempts to understand what it is you want from it. If it doesn't sit on its own, make the pup sit with your hand. If it does sit, give it a treat and actively praise the pup. Give the command again, and wait for the dog to sit, reinforcing it with a treat when it does. Continue this, and your dog will have learnt the word by heart soon enough!


The come command is also known as the recall command, as it is used to bring the dog over to you. How do you do this, you ask? Bring the dog over to an open location, and get it seated. Take a few paces back from the dog, so that you are at a healthy distance from it. From there, shout the dog's name, followed by a clear 'come!' Clap your hands a few times and bend so that the dog understands you are trying to call it over. As soon as the dog approaches you, give it a treat and reinforce the behaviour. Repeat for maximum effect! And that is all! It won't be very long before your favourite puppy begins coming over to you when called!


The stay command, when taught properly, will stop the dog from doing whatever it is engaged in and stay in its position. Teaching the stay command requires you to use your hand as well, showing the dog a flat palm. As always, bring the dog in an open area with minimal distractions. Wait until the dog is focused on you, and then speak in a loud and firm voice. Make sure you are very clear. Simultaneously, open your palm and make a gesture. If the dog stops moving and stays in its position, give it a treat. Repeat for further reinforcement.

The Age at Which Puppies Can Be Sold

A family that loves dogs usually get a wonderful addition when a new puppy is born. This is not only the joy of such a family but those who sell dogs also start counting some more profits once the puppies are born. That's not all. Did you know that the mother dog is also happy when she mothers some new puppies? If you didn't know, now you should know.

Puppies, just like young children and the offspring's of most of the animals, especially mammals, need some tender care and protection from their mother. If you deny them the opportunity of being brought up well by their mother, or in case you take them away before they can depend on themselves, the puppies will automatically see death coming. Ideally, puppies should be separated from their mothers when they are eleven to twelve weeks old while in reality, you can separate them when they are eight weeks old. In fact, most states hold the selling of puppies that are below eight months old as a criminal offence and you may end up behind bars because of this. Some reasons are discussed below for the reasons behind waiting till the puppy is old enough before one can sell them

Separation age

Ideally, before they are eight months old, the puppies have not yet well-developed emotionally and physically. A 2011 study that was published in "The Veterinary Record" said that all those puppies that were allowed to stay with their mothers for at least two months had a good track record in comparison to those that stayed for a lesser duration of time. They also eat less food, they were less fearful, barked less- only barked when necessary among other wonderful; features.

Physical development

When puppies are four weeks old, they can be able to eat food by themselves. However, they are still not able to eat dry pellets at this age but will rely on canned food since they are still not able to chew. At this age, they are still relying on licking food and are at the critical stages of physical development. It is not until age of six to seven weeks that the puppies are now able to eat solid foods. After they start eating solid foods, give them a week or two before you can take them to the market to sell them.

Special circumstances

There is however some special circumstances when it would be beneficial to separate the dogs earlier than usual. In case of stray dogs, the puppies will enter the "Overlap stage" between the fourth and the seventh week. Overlap stage is nothing more than socializing stage and the puppies are able to learn some behaviours and cues around them. For instance, a fearful mother dog will teach her puppies to fear people at this stage. Separation may be vital at this point.

However, this does not come without risks. It is scientifically proven that a puppy that is separated from the mother before weaning is more vulnerable to diseases than that which has been separated after weaning. This is because the mother's milk is known to boost the puppies' immunity.

Doberman Puppy Training

Doberman puppy training needs to begin from a very early age. The Doberman Pinscher is a medium sized dog with a squarely built, compact body. It has a pretty long head, while the tail looks like a blunt wedge. The Doberman Pinscher is an extremely keen and highly energetic dog, and has a huge amount of stamina and strength. The Doberman likes to be around people and isn't very suited to a backyard life. They require lots of leadership and interaction from humans. The dog itself is intensely loyal and highly affectionate towards its owner and family. However, they are also quite bold and assertive when working. Their versatility levels are very high, and the Doberman can easily adapt to working a number of different tasks. It should be known that the Doberman requires an owner who is able to exert natural authority over the dog. In the following few paragraphs, we shall give some important pointers about training a Doberman puppy.

Physical activity

The Doberman Pinscher has a huge amount of stamina and strength, and it is an extremely energetic dog. This means that the Doberman isn't the kind of dog which just likes to sit around and mope all day. No, it will require huge amounts of exercise on a daily basis (at least two hours of exercise) in order to ensure that the pup does not turn out to be destructive. Take it out for a walk, or preferably a run in the morning, and then go for some outside playing in the evening too. The pup requires intense physical exercise, so you might have to put it through its paces.

How to train a Doberman Puppy 101

The second thing to keep in mind is to make sure that you let the pup know who's more authoritative. The Doberman Pinscher is used to traveling in packs, and you need to show that you're the pack leader. How do you do this? By proving to the dog that you are the one in charge. As soon as the pup begins to disengage, stop training and reinforce what you've just said. These are highly observant dogs, and will soon begin to see that everything happens on your get- go, and will automatically adapt itself to listen to you. Unless you are able to train the Doberman Pinscher to know who the alpha in the house is, it will become a serious problem for you to train the dog in the right manner.

Differences between training

If you are wondering how to train a Doberman puppy, there are a number of differences between this and other breeds. First of all, the Doberman requires an extremely high level of physical exercise that the dog requires. Secondly, as mentioned above, these are highly authoritative dogs, and unless you teach it that you are the leader, the dog will remain extremely rowdy and disobedient. Concentration and focus is required to make sure that the Doberman learns to listen to its master. Doberman puppy training is not as difficult, but in order to carry out Doberman puppy training properly, you will need to be highly devoted to your puppy.

Homemade Whelping Box

For those who love dogs, they always ensure that their dogs enjoy the comfort that is very similar to that comfort enjoyed by human beings themselves. That is why when their dogs are pregnant; they go to the extent of helping her whelp or rather give birth. If you are going to help your pet to give birth, then the making of a Whelping box is very important. One thing you need to know is that providing the dog with a Whelping box early enough will be helpful for the dog in that she will get used to it prior to the time of delivery. When the puppies come, the dog and her young ones will use the Whelping box as their home for some time while the young ones are being brought up. The question is, "how do you make a Whelping box?"


The first thing to consider is the size of the Whelping box that you want. The box should not be of a size that brings discomfort to the mother dog but that which it is comfortable in. For large breeds such as the German Shepherd, the size of the Whelping box needs to be measuring around six feet by six feet while if it is the case of bulldogs and the rest, 4 feet by 4 feet. New found lands and other giant dog breeds will be much more comfortable in boxes that are 8 square feet.


The material of the Whelping box also needs to be understood. Do not just make the box from any material that is appealing to look at but not efficient for the purpose. Easy to clean sturdy materials are the most preferred of all the types of materials. Some of those that are recommended include the melamine and Formica among others. Laminated wood or heavy-duty plastics are also very much used thereby avoiding splinters. In case you use plywood or any other material that splinters easily, you must use contact paper to cover the box's surface.


Once you have already decided on the material and the size of the box you want, you can now choose on the best design that suits you the most. However, all these designs have some common master designs that are discussed below. One side of the box needs to be four feet high while the other ought to be one foot high. This protects the puppies from escaping while the mother is allowed to freely leave the box when she wants to and when she needs to. The boxes also need to be raised from the floor, the standard raising height being between 2-3 inches. This is done by the use of raisers or placing the box on to a pallet so as to keep the puppies away from any drafts. Lastly, ensure that there is a rail around the inside of your Whelping box so as to allow the young ones that like corners to be comfortable and be safe from any chance of being crushed by the mother dog while she rolls back.

Caring For New Born Puppies Without Their Mother

There are times when you may need to separate young puppies from their mother due to some traits you don't want the young ones to emulate from their mother. Although this is a rare case, there comes times when puppies may be orphaned and you are the only source of hope they have. You will really need to have some skills on how to take good care of these orphaned puppies. The following instructions are there to guide you for a successful orphanage.


You really need to feed these puppies well but even before going to the feed itself, it's worth noting that a special mode of feeding needs to be adapted. You may have all the nutritious foods for the puppies but if you lack bottle feeders, your attempts may be futile. After having bottle feeders, you need to buy a milk re-placer. This is a type of food that has been carefully balanced to have all the nutrients found in dog's milk.

The nutrients also tend to be almost proportional to that found in dogs' milk. Accompanied with the milk re-placer is the direction of how it should be mixed and taken. Carefully follow the directions of the manufacturer, warm the milk re-placer to room temperature, fill in the bottle feeders and feed the puppies. Very young puppies need to be fed after a duration of two to three hours.

Handling and care

Secondly, there is nothing as injurious and as catastrophic to the lives of puppies as cold. Puppies that are subjected to cold usually die within a very short period of time. It is therefore important that you keep them warm. You can either make a box or use a bucket that is filled with either blankets or cotton to keep the dogs warm. On the lower surface of the bucket, ensure that there is a hot water bottle or alternatively a heating pad to constantly supply the puppies with warmth. Puppies that are less than three weeks old should only be handled when necessary. Ensure that only a grown up does this and not children. Lastly, it's worth noting that the new-born puppies should also experience the least disturbance possible since they do spend most of their time sleeping.

Urination and defecation

Puppies are very unique creatures since for them to either defecate or urinate; their mother needs to lick them so as to stimulate this. It is therefore your responsibility to take the mother's role and stimulate the urination and defecation of these young ones by the use of artificial methods. By the use of a damp cloth used for washing dogs, massage the urinary parts and the anal parts of the puppies. It is not until the third to the fourth week that the puppies will be able to pass urine and fecal matter on their own.

Take your time to ensure that these orphan animals are given a second chance of living and they will pay you back through selling them or by offering you security.

Rabu, 06 Mei 2015

The Friendliest Dog Breeds To Own

Before considering what type of dog to purchase it is good to know which are the friendliest breeds. Typically, smaller dogs are actually the most confrontational. Big dogs have a greater understanding of the world and are usually nicer than smaller ones. But in all reality the factor that determines the base for how friendly a dog is depends on their genetics and breed. Here you will learn about the friendliest dog breeds so that you can make a more informed decision on which pet to choose as a lifelong partner to love and build lasting memories with.

The friendliest big dogs include: labrador retriever, irish setter, boxer, staffordshire bull terrier, poodle, greyhounds, saint bernard, and shepherds. These animals are nice to other animals and respond well to human interaction as well. It is recommended to expose all of these animals to humans and other dogs and friendly pets to help socialize the animals. When an animal is socialized from an early age, or in general, they have less anxiety and in time won't react as negatively or aggressively towards other animals. Part of having a friendly pet is to train it properly and keep it happy by allowing it to interact with other creatures.

Nice small dog breeds include: beagle, soft coated wheaten terrier, boston terrier, bulldog, havanese, toy poodles, and pugs. Look to get one of these dogs if you are interested in having a smaller animal that is going to respond in a friendly manner towards other dogs. The great thing about owning a smaller animal is the fact that they are less expensive as a whole to care for. Choose your dog wisely and take into consideration how well the animal will fit in your household when you decide to add a new pet to the family.

While dogs do have innate mannerisms and behavior, nothing is more telling of how a dog acts more than how it is trained and treated. Even the friendliest dog breeds can turn out to be aggressive and confrontational if they do not understand how to act around other animals or people. The best way to ensure your dog is friendly is to get it at a young age and train it properly. Help your animal form good habits early so that it does not lash out at others when it is in the presence of company.

The Early Signs of Dog Behavior Problems

If you have a dog, then you know how it can be sometimes difficult to train your pet. Regardless of the breed, dogs have different personalities and all exhibit different behaviors. However, there are some common behavioral problems that, if spotted early, you as an owner can completely reverse the problems. Let's take a look at the different behavioral problems exhibited by dogs.

The first behavioral problem one would notice is that dogs like to dig. If you're one of the few people that do not mind your dog digging up your lawn, then disregard this, but good owners should train their dogs to stop digging. To train a dog to not dig successfully, you will need to catch your pet in the act of digging and stop it. It is important to stop your dog in the middle as this will help them learn that digging is sometimes not correct.

The second behavioral problem is chewing. Dogs and puppies like to discover the world they inhabit by utilizing their mouth. Whether its for exploration or calming, they need to understand that they should not be eating things that is not food for them. Its utmost important to stop this habit as it can have health consequences. One way to do this is to give your dog chew toys.

Begging is another behavioral problem in dogs. Dogs will often beg for food especially if they see the whole family eating together at the dinner table. You can reduce this behavior by never giving your food from the dinner table to your dog. This may seem cruel, but you can always take the dog to a different room, or even the same room, and put food in the dog's food bowl. This way the dog will understand that it has a special bowl and a special spot to eat.

Aggression is also a very common behavioral problem seen in dogs. This behavior is actually the prime reason why dogs seem such violent creatures, but in reality it is the training they receive that makes them so. If a trainer can control the dog's aggression and potentially reduce it, then it is a safer pet than before.

Sometimes dogs like to pull on the leash when you take them for a walk. Never let the dog pull the leash because if you let them, then the dog will wrongfully understand that pulling on the leash is a good and allowed behavior. Always make sure that if need be, you pull the leash and eventually your dog will learn to walk calmly and carefully beside you.

Lastly attention is also a behavioral problem in dogs. However this is a controversial topic as some people like to give a lot of attention to their dog. But be careful, as this may make your dog spoiled.

In conclusion, behavioral problems in dogs is a large list because of the varying behaviors of dogs. If these behaviors are sighted early, it is easier to reduce them.

Remedy A Dog's Winter Skin With These Tips

The winter weather affects a dog's skin in many of the same ways it affects a human's skin. Winter skin can be very aggravating without the right precautions. You know this, so you want to keep your dog feeling good during the winter season, too.

One person tells a story online about his dog who had dry and itchy skin during the winter months. He said it got so bad that he actually thought his dog had some kind of disease. However, it was just winter skin, and there are prevention and treatment steps for this.

If you fail to help your dog with his dry and itchy skin, it can turn into something worse. The dry skin can crack, bleed and become scabby. A vet might give your dog a dose of Cephalexin. Now, this will remedy the dry skin, but it's up to what you do at home to keep it away.

If you were to take your dog in for a visit to the vet to get Cephalexin, the symptoms would disappear as mentioned, and then likely return about a month later without any further action.

One way to help your dog with winter skin is by using olive oil. Now, you don't rub the olive oil all over your dogs fur or skin. Instead, this is going to work from the inside out. All you do is pour some olive oil on your dog's food a few times a week.

If you're wondering if this works, you should understand that this home remedy comes from a vet. Another way you can help your dog is by giving him a bath. Use baby shampoo. which works great with sensitive skin, helping to nourish both his skin and his coat.

Think about what essential oil helps humans with their skin and hair. Omega 3 fish oil or fatty acids help work wonders.

A few good remedies for helping your dog's skin and coat during the winter season have been outlined. By using these methods, your dog will likely never have to visit the vet for that initial dose of Cephalexin. Keep your dog healthy and comfortable during the winter months, and don't forget yourself, too!

Should Dogs Have Boots When It Is Cold Outside?

You have probably seen many dogs out walking in the snow in cute little sweaters and furry boots. Unbelievably, this is not only so that they look fashionable in the cutthroat world of doggie fashion, it is a great way to protect them from the cold. The question of whether dogs need boots in the cold weather is an age-old one and the debate has raged for years.

Below you will find the answer to the question of whether your dog should wear boots along with that fuzzy sweater when you go for walks in the snow. Although, most dog's paws are suited for walking around outdoors, it really depends on the dog. Ice and snow can get caked in their little paws and make it painful to walk.

They are Useful

The extreme cold of winter can dry out the pads on your canine companions feet, making them crack open and bleed. This is caused by the snow becoming caked in their paws like previously mentioned. Putting booties on your dog's feet, will keep them from becoming dried out and becoming extremely painful for your pet.

Other Winter Hazards

Snow and ice are not the only concerns you should be worried about when it comes to your dog's tender paws. Chemicals and salts that are put on the sidewalks, driveways, and roads in order to deice them can wreak havoc on your pet's paws. Salt can burn the bottoms of your pet's feet and they can get deathly ill from licking the chemicals off their paws. Wearing little booties can help your pet from getting sick and ending up with their paws blistered from the salt on the roads.

Getting Your Pooch to Wear Boots

While it is a good idea for your dog to wear boots in the winter, there are few dogs who actually enjoy wearing them. Your pet may even try to chew the boots off the first time that you put them on him. When you put the boots on, take out his leash at the same time, so that he is distracted by the thought of going for a walk, this should help quite a bit.

These are just a few of the reasons that you should put boots on your pooch's feet during the cold weather. From salt and chemicals to paws that could become dry, you want to protect your dog's feet in the winter, just as you do your own.