--> Animal Diseases And Symptoms: Best Trimmer For Persian Cat Hair

Sabtu, 17 Januari 2015

Best Trimmer For Persian Cat Hair

Persian cats come with a long and thick coat which takes the most of the owner’s time and money for its maintenance. If left un-groomed, this coat will get knotty and messy. The trimming can be tricky. One should opt to take the assistance of the professionals if the cat is intended to participate in shows since the standards for the coat of this breed is stringent.

The first requirement would be to check the speed of the trimmer’s motor, and the choice of the blade depending on the length of coat required. The quality of the trimmer should be such that it makes the least amount of humming noise and vibrations while trimming lest the cat gets annoyed.

The brand ‘Oster’ is the most reputed in the category of trimmers. Oster A5 is the quietest model having a blade of size-10. This will cut through the matty hair and give a short cut. It comes in two models, single and two speed. An extremely sound sensitive cat can be trimmed with the 2 speed variety. One should change the option to slow speed while trimming around the face and ears.

One should first un-mat the hair before commencing the trim since this will otherwise result in a rough cut. Trimming should be followed by a bath. Many breeders often bathe their cats to keep allergens at bay. It is seen that a clean and well brushed coat is easy to trim.

Bathing should be done with a shampoo followed by good brushing once the coat is dry. Periodical brushings will ensure easier trims in the future.

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