Sabtu, 31 Januari 2015
Is Low Protein Cat Food Beneficial In Kidney Disease?
Low protein cat food is widely recommended for cats with kidney disease (or kd as some like to call it). However, this is an assumption made by vets that has no basis in research or science. No scientific studies have been conducted to show this to be helpful.
In fact, it is quite the opposite. It is extremely damaging to the health of cats and often leads to their early demise. Following such advice, I killed a cat many years ago. Now I don't follow the advice of vets. I look to Nature for my answers. And she never fails, although I may not always fully understand.
It's a pity a cat had to die before I learned my lesson, but I did learn it well.
Very few vets, probably none conventional, understand cats properly. They don't understand that cats are true carnivores. They are not omnivores and certainly they are not herbivores.
Carnivores live exclusively on good quality meat derived from their prey. They don't top up on vegetable matter as dogs can, in times of famine. Their body systems have sacrificed the ability to cope with the complexities of digesting plant based food, in the interest of a light body frame that allows for agility.
A light and agile body can hunt and pounce noiselessly, an attribute essential for lone hunters as cats are.
The vast majority of commercial cat food is produced cheaply, for the good of the companies profit.The health of your cat doesn't come into the equation. Meat is not cheap, even the cheapest. But cheap food is available in the form of grain and other plant based food that have been deemed unfit for human consumption. Or that comes from countries who care even less, such as China.
It is this food, with its high content of plant based foods that is the cause of most of the kidney disease in cats. To further reduce the protein shows a complete lack of understanding of feline health in the advisor.
What you need to do to address this common ailment in cats is to feed a high protein cat food.
Cats with any form of future kidney disease will start to show signs of painful urination, blood in the urine or not being able to urinate at all. The vet treats this with antibiotics, which doesn't address the cause at all.
Usually crystals are found in the urine sample.
The diet of (already, but now further decreased) low protein cat food continues, and so the kidney or renal deterioration continues.
Cats evolved on a diet of high protein cat food. This is the only diet that keeps them healthy. If there is any form of carbohydrate, grain or other plant based food in their diet, you can guarantee they are heading for a chronic disease, often kidney or other renal problems.
Is Low Protein Cat Food Beneficial In Kidney Disease?
Low protein cat food is widely recommended for cats with kidney disease (or kd as some like to call it). However, this is an assumption made by vets that has no basis in research or science. No scientific studies have been conducted to show this to be helpful.
In fact, it is quite the opposite. It is extremely damaging to the health of cats and often leads to their early demise. Following such advice, I killed a cat many years ago. Now I don't follow the advice of vets. I look to Nature for my answers. And she never fails, although I may not always fully understand.
It's a pity a cat had to die before I learned my lesson, but I did learn it well.
Very few vets, probably none conventional, understand cats properly. They don't understand that cats are true carnivores. They are not omnivores and certainly they are not herbivores.
Carnivores live exclusively on good quality meat derived from their prey. They don't top up on vegetable matter as dogs can, in times of famine. Their body systems have sacrificed the ability to cope with the complexities of digesting plant based food, in the interest of a light body frame that allows for agility.
A light and agile body can hunt and pounce noiselessly, an attribute essential for lone hunters as cats are.
The vast majority of commercial cat food is produced cheaply, for the good of the companies profit.The health of your cat doesn't come into the equation. Meat is not cheap, even the cheapest. But cheap food is available in the form of grain and other plant based food that have been deemed unfit for human consumption. Or that comes from countries who care even less, such as China.
It is this food, with its high content of plant based foods that is the cause of most of the kidney disease in cats. To further reduce the protein shows a complete lack of understanding of feline health in the advisor.
What you need to do to address this common ailment in cats is to feed a high protein cat food.
Cats with any form of future kidney disease will start to show signs of painful urination, blood in the urine or not being able to urinate at all. The vet treats this with antibiotics, which doesn't address the cause at all.
Usually crystals are found in the urine sample.
The diet of (already, but now further decreased) low protein cat food continues, and so the kidney or renal deterioration continues.
Cats evolved on a diet of high protein cat food. This is the only diet that keeps them healthy. If there is any form of carbohydrate, grain or other plant based food in their diet, you can guarantee they are heading for a chronic disease, often kidney or other renal problems.
Don't be lured into thinking a cat with kidney problems will fair better on a low protein cat food. They won't, whoever advises you, however much you like or trust them. Reason it out logically for yourself.
Cat Fencing and the Little Details - A Detailed Overview
Cats love exploring new places; they are playful, active and sometimes even destructive little creatures. This is the reason for people considering cats as a big threat in keeping a neat and organized house. In order to stop pets from damaging your home's architectural integrity, you can give them a place outside. Here, they can play about, run after other animals and enjoy the outer world.
While you can easily confine dogs within a regular fence, domestic cats are too clever and playful for staying within a traditional enclosure. Most cats enjoy the fresh air of the outdoors, since they love exploring their natural surroundings. While they explore the yard, they generally venture beyond the restrictions of their house and step into the open space of the neighborhood.
Cat fence - Is it worth your investment?
Most pet owners don't know the dangers that lie beyond their house front. Sometimes, these risks prove extremely hazardous to the health of your pet. They might lose their direction and wander into the forests. They may also run across the street and meet an unexpected end by the vehicles. There are many animals that prowl around the streets, ready to injure or kill stray pets. Sometimes, animal control agencies pick them up and they never find their way back to their home.
Cat enclosure - What is it all about?
In order to give your pet a safe, effective and environment-friendly shelter, there are different types of fences or enclosures available in the market. With cat fences, you can easily change your backyard into a safe habitat for your pet; this removes the need of electric fencing or painful collars, both of which work as a safety tool. This barrier includes an overhand which stops cats from mounting out of their restricted area. Besides keeping your cat safe and well-protected, it prevents other animals from venturing into your home premises.
Cat enclosures - How do they work?
Although cats have super climbing facility, they generally don't scale an area that seems unstable. The arrangement and positioning of a cat fence prevents cats from jumping over fences or climbing up trees. These enclosures fit on all types of fences - wire, wood or vinyl - which may stretch to almost any length.
As for the cost, it may differ, based on the size of your backyard and the number of trees in it. Besides the basic structure, there are other costs of netting and scaffolding.
Jumat, 30 Januari 2015
Cat Vaccinations - Healthy Or Harmful?
Cat vaccinations are considered by many to be the right thing to do. Perhaps even, that not getting them done is tantamount to negligence. But as the global discussion of vaccination gains momentum, more and more independent, scientific reports are coming out into the limelight about the complexities of the damage they inflict.
Damage to someone's health by vaccination is termed vaccinosis. This has been known to homeopaths since the first vaccine.
Vaccines are sold to the public on the premise that they prevent disease. This is clearly not the case when you consider the past few years events of typical childhood diseases such as whooping cough and measles occurring in epidemic proportions in vaccinated children.
Whilst many would love you to believe that it is the unvaccinated children causing these epidemics, this turns the pharmaceutical logic on its head. They are selling the vaccines to PREVENT disease. If epidemics are occurring, clearly they don't. So this claim must be untrue.
So vaccines can give the recipient the disease it is claiming to protect against. Not just the odd person or animal. In epidemic proportions.
A properly functioning immune system works by a series of defense mechanisms. Pathogens enter the body through orifices of the body such as the nose and mouth. The mucus in these orifices immediately react to the entry of the pathogen. If it is unable to resist, the pathogen will travel down through other levels of defense.
Symptoms can be absent (in a very healthy immune system) or of a purging nature, such as fever, sweating, vomiting, increased mucus secretion, inflammation, diarrhoea. This is nature's way of ridding the body of the pathogen. Once the patient has recovered, they will be stronger and more mature (in the case of young ones). You might call it a growth spurt.
When these natural defense systems are prevented from working, such as with the use of medicines to lower the fever or to dry up the secretions, the body is unable to prevent entry of the pathogen. This not only lowers the immune response of the body, but also means a pathogen is engrafted into the body, waiting to appear in the right circumstances.
When this natural immune response of the body is by-passed, such as with a vaccine, the body is not able to defend itself against the vaccinated ingredients. Sometimes this results in a low grade chronic disease that the body is unable to eradicate.
The use of toxic ingredients in vaccines cause a myriad of other problems. Thimerosal contains the heavy metal mercury and is used as a preservative.
Mercury is a known neurotoxin. So neurological symptoms are the common result of mercury poisoning.
Aluminium, used as a booster to vaccines with killed virus, is also a known neurotoxin.
Formaldehyde is considered a carcinogen by many. It is also found in most commercial pet food.
Phenol, a poisonous substance from coal tar, unable to be processed efficiently by cats in particular, is used.
Cells from other animals are used in the culture of viruses. Cross species tissue contamination can cause all manner of unknown problems.
Cat vaccinations are no different from any other vaccines. The poisons which remain in the body after vaccination cause the body to release a perpetual supply of free radicals that are looking for a disease to kill. Free radicals are known to create major health problems.
The additional problems of vaccinating cats with multiple diseases at one time creates an enormous additional overload for the cat. Sometimes this is even done during surgery, further burdening the cat's system
Annual boosts are not influential in preventing disease. They simply burden your cat more.
Cat vaccinations are not all the media and vets like to proclaim. In my opinion, the risks are far more damaging than any possible benefit. You would do far more good if you focussed on ensuring your cat has a strong and healthy immune system. THAT is the best way to fend off disease.
Why Does My Cat Need Cat Toys
My cat plays with anything and everything so why does he need cat toys?
Nothing is safe from the cat in my house, he plays with everything that isn't glued down. Car keys, pens, pencils, rubber bands, bobby pins, plastic bags, anything, everything. I can't tell you how many times I've been late for work because my car keys are missing and where do I eventually find them? Under the couch, under the chair and once under the dishwasher. At first, I accused family members but after a while I found out who the culprit was, the one that can't leave anything alone, my cat!
It seems like he's fascinated with things that he can bat or push around, the easier they move the more he likes them. Who would've ever thought that a cat would be interested in car keys or pens or rubber bands? When small objects disappear, we know who took them and we also know where to look. Under large objects such as furniture or appliances are almost always where things turn up.
It makes me wonder why cats need toys when they play with anything they can get their paws on. It took a while to understand that a cat has a [natural] need to hunt and stalk. Small objects that move easily provide them with an opportunity to stalk, attack and push around their "prey". Cats need to release energy and by pouncing on and batting things that they can easily move allows them to keep their hunting skills polished. Ah, so that's why cats need toys!
Cat toys are intended to provide healthy exercise on a daily basis. Toys are a much better way to release energy and have fun without losing the car keys. Surprisingly, cat toys come in a variety of types. Balls, toy mice, wind-up toys to chase and even birds that make chirp noises. So many tantalizing things to interest kitty, he will no longer be interested in the things that he should not be playing with.
Things have gotten a lot better around here since we introduced some toys to our fur baby. He plays for hours [and hours!] with his toys, usually until they disappear under the stove or dishwasher where he can't fit a paw in to get them. When he loses one of his favorite toys under an appliance, he sits and stares and eventually starts to pout. Yep, I know he lost something and I have to get it for him or he'll be eying those car keys again. Well, I can't exactly reach those little mice under the stove either, so I get the yardstick and stick some scotch tape on the end of it and slide it around under the stove and presto, I can fish that little mouse out! I swear he smiles when the mouse reappears and off he goes with his little mouse to push, pounce and bat until he tires out, or it visits [disappears] under an appliance again!
Kamis, 29 Januari 2015
Want a Pet? Take Care of It
Sad eyes looking up at you. You can't help but want to take this cute little creature into your home, or your kids may desperately want a pet. This is what some people solely rely on when they decide to take a pet into their homes. Although it's great and very kind to take in an animal, a person does need to think more thoroughly about if they really are ready to have a pet. If you want a pet, you need to possess these qualities or traits in order to accommodate and fully care for an animal. A person must have the funds to care for a pet, compassion, and have some sort of education about the type of pet they want.
Having a pet is not cheap. According to the ASPCA, on average, it costs about thirteen hundred to fifteen hundred dollars to care for a pet their first year. This rate may include trips to the vet, getting shots, or conducting other essential procedures. Also, food, a litter box, litter, collar, leash, grooming, carrier, and spaying/neutering need to be taken into consideration. This is just a basic list and does not include everything your new pet will need. To get a better idea of what your pet needs, you may want to check out the ASPCA website. If you think this is too much money for an animal, well, I guess you don't have very much compassion for animals or your family. Animals carry parasites and diseases that need to be treated. These conditions can easily be transmitted from a pet to you and your family. If you are planning to keep your pet outside, these risk factors of disease and parasites transferring to humans will increase. This is because in an outdoor environment, animals are more susceptible to be in contact with other animals that carry a disease or parasite. If you don't have the funds and still really want a pet, there are low-cost clinics and programs that can provide affordable care for your pet. Do a little research and you will be surprised with what you will find. Some people just automatically assume that vets are expensive, so they won't take their pet to get help when they need it. That is just wrong. How can someone just be okay with seeing an animal suffer? You wanted a pet. Did you think it would be free to take care of your pet? Be ready to spend some money on your pet to keep them healthy and happy. If you are able to accommodate your new pet with essential expenses, then you have compassion and may be ready to own a pet.
How many times have you seen a skinny dog with his ribs showing? Such a neglected animal is desperately looking for some food on the street. Your heart literally feels like it dropped to your stomach. You begin to think, "How can a human being allow their pet to run away and go without food? Why did the owner not check his fence for holes or close the door to prevent their pet from running away?" This awful feeling of sadness you get deep in your heart means you have compassion. You can't help but have sympathy for an animal and all you can do is make sure that doesn't happen to your pet. Some people just don't have this compassion, to make it worse they have a pet at home. I can't remember how many times a student of mine has told me about seeing their dog on the road dead and say, "That was my dog!" These students tell me, "Well, it's okay because I'm getting a new dog next week." How can parents teach their kids to be so cold-hearted about an innocent animal and show them that an animal can be easily replaced like a sheet of paper? Why have a pet if you feel like they are not important and lack feeling or pain? An animal becoming road kill could have easily been prevented if the parents watched out and made sure the animal could not escape from their house or backyard. It's understandable that people work or do not have time to watch a pet twenty four seven. A solution can be to keep your pet indoors while you're gone and take the time to train your pet to hold their urine or feces until someone gets home. Seems easy huh? Well, some people just don't take the time to train their pets because they didn't have compassion in the first place when they decided to get a pet. It's not that hard to read a book or go online and educate yourself about how to train your pet to hold their business in or not tear up your house. You can even train your pets to use the restroom on a wee-wee pad while you're out, if you didn't already know that.
One of the main problems that people lack when having a pet is having the proper education on an animal. Just like people, animals get sick and hurt themselves too. Did you know that cats can get aids and leukemia? It can easily be prevented by getting your cat screened for these diseases at the vet or not letting your feline go outside. Cats can get this by getting bitten, scratched, or sharing food with another feline. According to PetMD, outdoor cats that are not spayed or neutered are more likely to get these diseases because they are in heat or protecting their territory. Let's just say you did get your cat screened for these diseases, and you let your feline go outside. Do you know the symptoms of feline aids? Did you know your cat can spread the disease like wild fire if you keep them outside? Feline aids is not known to be spread from felines to humans, so it is safe to keep your pet indoors if they do have the disease. Sadly there is not a cure for feline aids, but a cat can still live a fulfilling life indoors for years without spreading its illness to other felines. It is so important to educate yourself about your pet because you can save their lives or prevent them from getting hurt. For example, according to vetSTREET, allowing your dogs to stick their heads out the window while driving can damage their hearing. The wind blowing can allow debris to fly into their face or ears and cause damage. You may think your dog loves feeling the wind on their face, which he mostly does, yet as a pet owner you need to understand that this form of recreation can hurt your pet and cause another costly trip to the vet. Although only a few facts have been shared, there are countless situations that can harm your pet. A person needs to use common sense and do some research to keep their animal safe just like a human would take the proper precautions with a child or family member.
Adopting a pet and bringing them home entitles many new responsibilities as an owner. If you are ready to face the costs, have compassion, and willing to educate yourself, you will be a wonderful pet owner. Your pet will live a long happy life and appreciate everything you have done for them by showing you the love they are able to exhibit to human beings.
Some Very Important Things to Prepare For Your Cat
You're more than likely familiar with the phrase: "There are only two certainties in life, death and taxes". Death is one subject we prefer not to discuss. An unpleasant subject, I agree. However, what about your cat? Have you prepared things to ensure that your cat will have a good home and maintain the lifestyle that he or she currently has with you?
There are several things that you must do for your cat. Whether you have one cat or multiple fur babies decide if you weren't here or became unable to care for them, do you have an appointed guardian to handle placement in a new home? Talk to folks at organizations that find adoptive pet parents, friends or relatives. Tell them all about your cat, likes, dislikes, etc. When I talk with people about their cats, they can talk for hours about the things that their cats do, like, don't like, favorite toys, favorite foods, you name it and they talk about it. It's so easy to describe your cats habits and preferences to someone who, in turn, can use the feedback given to decide on a future placement for adoption or permanent home in the event that you are not able to care for them. Most people don't plan ahead for their pet babies in the event that the unthinkable happens and they are left sad and alone.
First and foremost decide what and where they will be placed in the event of your death or incapacitation. Write that information down, but wait, your not finished yet. List the name of your veterinarian and include medical records. Keep the medical information up to date. Each time your cat has a vet visit, write down the date and reason/treatment. Include any information related to allergies, medication, etc.
Prepare a list for each cat that includes, name, age, habits, favorite toys, favorite food and everything that your cat would consider important. Provide as much detail as possible, what time your cat usually arises to start the day, the time he/she eats breakfast, lunch or dinner, litter box usage and any preference to a brand of litter. What does he/she like to do and when. Cats nap a lot and usually follow a schedule, list his or her favorite nap time, place and duration. All the things that your cat does on a daily basis and when. Think of this summary as a discussion that your having with someone about your cat. Provide as much detail as possible and if it goes on for pages that's great. Remember you won't be here to tell anyone these things.
Now that you have started a short story about each of your cats, it gets easier from here. Each cat should have a separate summary about their lifestyle. Daily routine and habits are so important to a new adoptive parent and to your cat. Moving to a new home and missing you is upsetting for your fur babies, include as much information as you can, even the things you don't really think about such as your cat likes to be stroked on the head, on the back or tummy. Food, what brand, type (dry or wet) and what time of day each food is given. Cat treats, how often, how many, what brand or flavor does your cat prefer? List where your cat likes to sleep, recliner, cat bed, cat tree and maybe he or she has different napping preferences such as afternoon naps on the cat tree in a sunny window or on cloudy days prefers to nap in his or her cat bed. The more detail the better. How about toys? Does your cat have a favorite toy? Include on your list what your cat likes to play with, better yet buy a few of their favorite toys and keep them unopened with the list for each cat. The unopened toy contains all the necessary information to replace them, not only the visual of what the toy looks like but the manufacturer and the part number. Cats that have favorite toys are quite often devastated when they have lost or are without that toy. As such, the simple comfort of a favorite or familiar toy is an important adjustment factor to help your kitty adjust to being without you.
In summary, prepare a list containing every detail of information about your kitty. Make the list as long as necessary, (one for each cat if you have multiple cats) and keep it current. Make several copies and distribute to someone that will handle your affairs after you're gone. Neighbors, relatives, anyone and everyone that will be involved with helping your cat adjust. Medical records, food preferences, unique habits, daily routine and preferred cat toys are equally important. This information will be worth a million dollars to your cat and it costs you only a small portion of your time now, to prepare for your cats future and well being in the event that someday, you're not there to care for them.
Selasa, 27 Januari 2015
Cat Ear Infections Caused by Food Allergy
Does your cat get frequent ear infections? It may be due to a food allergy.As far as medical issues with cats are concerned, I don't think I will ever run out of topics in that area. It seems like one of our 15 always has something. Yes, you read that correctly, my husband and I have 15 cats (indoor only, spayed/neutered and rabies shots).
Stinky, one of our 15 cats, is supposed to eat the same expensive allergy food that one of our other cats, Prancie eats. I write "supposed to" because she loves to steal food from the other cats. Unlike Prancie, who gets skin issues and sneezes, Stinky gets ear infections. We always know when Stinky has been naughty because she will be scratching at her ears and making a "Xena sound" (which sounds like eye-eye-eye), as she scratches because she doesn't make the connection that she is scratching herself. Her ears smell of infection, if you have ever had an infection or a pet with one, you will recognize that odor. She will also shake her head a lot and when she does, it makes a clicking sound. I assume this is the pussy goop in her ear- ick!
The vet prescribed an antibiotic that I squeeze into her ear and it helps right away. If your cat suffers from frequent ear infections, you may want to try a prescription allergy food (you have to get it from your veterinarian), it is pricey, but your cat will be happier and more comfortable. I get them Royal Canin allergy food which comes in rabbit. I feel guilty about the rabbit as I used to have them as pets and I know they are all unique just like kitties. Unfortunately, the duck flavor didn't agree with either cat. There are some slightly less expensive foods at Petco and Petsmart like Dick Van Patten's venison flavor. You would need to check labels though because some may be mainly venison, but still have chicken organs in them. Of course, if you have more than one cat, it will be a chore to keep the food separate, but if we can do it with 15 cats (most of the time) then I am sure you can handle it too.
I just wanted to point out this connection of food allergies to ear infections as I never realized the 2 could be connected. It amazes me how quickly Stinky's ears get infected when she eats the wrong food and how quickly they recover with a dose of medicine and eating the correct food. Hope this helps some of your kitties.
Feral Cats and Coyotes
Today I want to talk to you about the danger posed by coyotes to feral cats. I live next to a horse farm. I have a lot of feral cats around my place. I have always left out food and water for them. As a result, some of them have chosen to take up residence here. A couple of the Momma cats have had their babies here. I guess they feel safe. They are not safe.
Coyotes roam the valley here. I can hear them at night yipping and howling in the night. One of the things that coyotes love to eat are feral cats. Over the last two weeks, over six cats, between my place and my neighbor's place, have gone missing. Of the April litter, there is only one out of three kittens left. It greatly saddens me to come out in the morning to missing cats. One day they are there. The next day they are gone, never to return.
One night last week I was walking out to my fire pit to make sure the fire was out and I heard the coyotes closer than I had ever heard them before. They sounded like they were no more than a quarter mile away. They were quiet loud. It actually made me run back to my house. Not much scares me living in this valley. The sound of a feeding coyote pack is truly blood chilling.
The last remaining kitten has actually been letting me get close and pet him. Last week he let me pick him up and hold him. I talked to him very softly. At that moment, I decided I was going to rescue him. Of all the feral cats that have gone missing, this is actually one that I can save. None of the other ones will let me touch them or get too close. They scoot off to a safe distance and look at me if I reach my hand out. This little one is the only one who has let him make contact.
I made an appointment with my Veterinarian and put him in the carrier. He cried for about 15 minutes very loudly. I put on Sade and talked to him softly. He calmed down. We was so afraid at the Vet. He tucked his head into the crook of my elbow and tried to hide. He was shaking like a leaf. He got the all clear from the Vet and I brought him home.
While I was at the Vet, I asked about the feral cats and the coyotes. I was told that people were calling with reports of cats going missing. There were ten gone from one person and six gone from another. The Vet told me it's good I was rescuing him.
I am delighted to report that the inside cats have taken to him quite nicely. The first couple days were a little rough. He got the hissing and the yowling from the older cats. He stood his ground and has been quite brave. They are all calmed down and they all seem to be getting along. The transition was quite fast.
If you have feral cats and live near coyotes, please be aware of the dangers. I'm not sure there is anything to be done other than trying to domesticate them and find them homes. However, like in my case, not all of them want to be domesticated. You can only save the ones that choose to let you near them. Do the best you can. One life saved is important!
My name is Elizabeth Glass. I enjoy sharing my life experiences, my spiritual experiences and just writing in general. I have been writing, professionally in some aspects, for over 20 years. I would love feedback and to meet some other writers and readers! You can find me at my home page.
Feral Cats and Coyotes
London, UK
Killing Lions and Bears
"But David persisted, 'I have been taking care of my father's sheep,' he said, 'When a lion or a bear comes to steal a lamb from the flock, I go after it with a club and take the lamb from its mouth. If the animal turns on me, I catch it by the jaw and club it to death. I have done this to both lions and bears, and I'll do it to this pagan Philistines too... The LORD who saved me from the claws of the lion and the bear will save me from this Philistine." 1 Samuel 17:34-37
Testimonies are very important in our Christian walk. We must always remember what God has done in the past to be able to trust Him for the present and the future. No matter how critical a situation might be today, He has solved the same or even greater problem in the past. And if He could do it then, He can (will) also do it again; for He is the same yesterday, today and forever! We fidget or even fumble at the time of challenges because we easily forget what God has done for us in the past. True! Yes, spiritually mature and successful men and women are not the ones that have not pass through difficulties, but those that though they go through spirit-breaking challenges, are ready to recollect His miracles of the past, and stand with God by faith until they receive the same deliverance that must surely come.
When Israel and their God were defied by Goliath and the Philistine army, it was testimony that suddenly empowered the little David to lead the defeat and eventual plundering of those enemies. At the battle of the valley of Elah, Goliath had challenged all the army of Israel to produce a man that could stand against him in battle. For forty days, twice a day, morning and evening, this great giant-warrior would come before the Israelites, boasting, threatening and harassing life out of them. And nobody had any answer to him. How could you?? A well-trained experienced army general that measured over nine feet tall, that wears a bronze helmet and a coat of nail that weighed 125 pounds, a bronze leggings, a bronze javelin and a spear that has a tip that weighed fifteen pounds. Wow! No wonder, King Saul and all the Israelite soldiers saw him and ran away. And like we said, this humiliation went on for good forty days. And you know what forty stands for? It ran its full course. Every humiliation of any 'Goliath' in your life will be stopped today in the name of Jesus! It has run its full course and it's time for change. Yes!
And suddenly, a little unarmed boy, a shepherd, the last boy of his father appeared at the scene. He has been sent to go and deliver food and words to his elder brothers in the army. On reaching there, he witnessed the psychological and spiritual torture this giant and the Philistine armies were subjecting the people of God to. He saw the whole army of Israel, their commanders, their king, and even his own elder brothers in the army fidget and draw back whenever this Philistine warrior came out. He could not take that any more, as he immediately began to inquire about the reward for whoever kills Goliath. After that, David shouted, "I'll go fight this Philistine!" Oh my God! Can you say same to that challenge before you today??
Yes, there are battles before you now. They stand tall, intimidating and look insurmountable like that Philistine giant. They look hard and well-entrenched like his armor. But God is also telling you today that you should not be afraid. Yes, it is not about the size of your enemies or your challenges, but about the ability of your God and the immeasurable grace He has made available to you. True! I want to announce to you that you have already won this battle! We will continue next week, God bless you
Killing Lions and Bears
London, UK
Senin, 26 Januari 2015
Six Essential Tips to Make Moving With Cats Easier
I've been a hobo for years, moving from place to place around Sydney - many times over. A friend of mine asked me how my cats cope with moving. Cat's establish a territory around their homes and become quite attached to the land that they patrol. That's probably why the become very upset when their human owner decides to up stumps and move to a completely new suburb. Some cats hate the move so much they decide to move back to their old one - without their owner. This article provides you with some essential tips which might help make that stressful event a little easier.
Pheromone Diffuser:
It's critical that the cat becomes comfortable with his or her new environment as quickly as possible. Try to keep things familiar inside the new home, including same couch and coverings. We purchased a synthetic feline facial pheromone diffuser (a plug-in Feliway device) for the bedroom.
Initially Limit Outdoor Playtime:
When Fluffy and Dolly (our previous little fur balls) moved we made absolutely sure that for two weeks they were limited to indoors only. Then gradually over a few more weeks we introduced them to the back garden. Pretty much the only thing you can do is let your cat out in stages, initially for just 30 minutes and increase it every day. They will of course come across other cats as they go about their business. It's just like a schoolyard outside your home - only instead of kids it's cats! With our current little fur balls, Hemi and Lulu, this probably won't be so much of a problem as they are strictly indoor cats only.
Move in Autumn or Winter:
If you can, try to move in autumn or winter because most other cats are snuggled up warm inside their houses at that time of the year. This will give your cat a chance to patrol around the new house and establish his or her territory. Some cats cope better than others when moving home.
I've found that a full cat is a happy cat and they're more likely to want to laze around the house after eating. Keep your cat well fed and watered.
Permanently Keep Indoors:
If you feel like your cat isn't coping, your best bet is to keep them indoors - permanently. The old saying "they wont miss what they don't know" is really true when it comes to cats. Once they get a taste of the pros of outdoor living (irrespective of the cons such as fleas, ticks, feline influenza, cars, cat hating public) they find transitioning back to being indoors cats very difficult.
Keep Vaccinations Up to Date:
One very important thing to check is to absolutely make sure that your cat's vaccinations are up to date before the move. Like the school yard, your cat will get in fights with other cats in the area as they establish control over their new territory. You need to make sure that they are completely protected against infectious diseases they will most certainly contract if not vaccinated.
Relocate Your Cat:
We moved from a big house in Ruse in the outer suburbs of Sydney where we had a huge back yard - to a small two bedroom home not far from the CBD with almost no yard. We decided that the best thing to do with one of our cats Mr Peebles (a stray we adopted and had named after a colorful Sydney magistrate) was send him to our friends farm in North West NSW where he was free to roam as far as he wished. Mr Peebles would have only got into fights with other cats in the CBD. This is probably a last resort option for most, but in some cases it's definitely the best thing for your cat.
Moving can be a very difficult time for cats. A successful move takes time and plenty of patience as kitty re-adjusts to their new environment. Be patient with your cat as it's not something that can be rushed. Hopefully in a short while, they will come around and be happy in their new home.
HemiLuluCatz is a website initially designed to blog about cats and kittens. It features our two best feline friends Hemi and Lulu.
Senior Cats Deserve Homes Too
You can't argue the fact, there isn't anything much cuter than a kitten. It's no wonder the demand for them is high. Walk into any pet store (on second thought, please don't ever buy a pet from one!) or shelter, and most people are looking for the kittens, but senior cats deserve homes too!
They're sought after because they're adorable, but people don't think ahead. If that's the only reason you're getting a kitten, stop right there. Kittens grow up, and if you don't care for grown up cats, then don't get the kitten.
Let's not forget how mischievous kittens are. They're full of energy so they tear around the house, climb up the curtains, claw their way up the front of the couch, and use your screen door as a climbing wall. They also get into a lot of trouble.
Don't kid yourself into thinking this phase passes quickly, because it doesn't. What started out as cute, may quickly become hellish for some.
Now let's consider the advantages of adopting a senior cat.
A senior cat is considered to be 7+, which is still young. Barring serious illness or injury, most can easily live to 16, with some living well into their 20s.
An adult cat's personality is already formed, so you can choose one that will best fit into your life, and lifestyle.
It's hard to say what a kitten will look like when he grows up, but there are no surprises with a grown up one. So if looks are important to you, pick one that catches your eye, but make sure his personality fits as well!
Don't assume cats in shelters are defective. There are many reasons for them being there, and they include: someone wasn't happy their kitten became a cat; outlived their owner and no friend or family member stepped forward; owner moved and couldn't bring the cat; family member had allergies no one knew about, and if you can believe it - they didn't match the carpet or decor (that excuse is a lot more common than you would think).
While there are still many rambunctious and high energy senior cats, many are lower maintenance and less demanding. Again, pick the one with the energy level you can handle.
When you get home after work, it's less likely to have been "redecorated" while you were gone.
An older cat will already be fixed, and litter trained.
If you already have an older cat and you're looking for a companion, a calm older cat may be less stressful for him to adapt to.
An older cat is more likely to just snuggle with you in bed, than use your stomach as a springboard. Having said that, my 14 year old still uses mine to get from the bed to the dresser.
If you have children, an older cat may be best. Kittens can be too delicate for kids' handling, not to mention they dig their claws into bare skin a lot, and could hurt them. You wouldn't want your child to become afraid because of that experience. Find one that is used to being around children, since not all cats like them.
Older cats don't automatically mean lots of vet bills. Young cats can be struck by illness as well.
Adopting an older pet one will teach your kids, and those around you, about compassion, and that no matter what age, life is precious.
For those cats that end up in kill facilities, their chances of remaining alive for long, are not very good. For those lucky enough to find their way into a no kill facility, a cage may be the last home they'll ever know.
When it's time for you to adopt your next, or first cat, please remember that senior cats deserve homes too! You'll be saving a life, and in return you will be adding plenty of love to your life, and life to your home.
Minggu, 25 Januari 2015
Cats Can Smell Cancerous Cells
Everyone has heard about dogs that can sniff out almost anything; but, you may not have heard about cats being able to trace changes in the body chemistry that are caused by illnesses with their superior smell sense. There are many cases on record that have proved that cats have scored high on the cancer diagnostic act. It looks like they want to prove that they are as talented as dogs when it comes to grabbing attention as pets.
Alerting Cancerous Tumors
Cats have alerted many humans to cancerous tumors. Skin cancer and moles are quite easy to detect as they exist on the outer part of the body; but the cats are able to trace out complicated cancerous cells that are located within the body. An incident in Albert Canada reported about a cat that warned his owner that there was a tumor in his left lung by pawing at that side continuously. In another case in Tennessee, a woman was alerted to get her breast checked when her cat repeatedly pawed a bruised area and it resulted in an early diagnosis of breast cancer.
Some cats have been known to place their paws on cancer patients, indicating the places where they could have tumors and which the doctors were unable to find while other cats have reportedly sniffed the freckles on arms of cancer patients continuously even when that particular person had been unaware of any symptoms. There are reports of how in some cases, cats have cuddled their owners, who were suffering with cancer, just before their moment of death. This is because of their extraordinary olfactory senses that allow them to smell out the distinct odor that comes out of a human body before it starts shutting down.
Cats with the Sixth Sense
People who have cats for pets have sworn that in some cases, their cats used their sixth sense and felt uneasy before the arrival of a big storm even on a sunny day while other cats have meowed continuously if their owner had a fever coming on. These incidents could not be just shrugged off as coincidence. The sixth sense in animals cannot simply be ignored. Some cats have even cautioned people about the appearance of ghosts or jinns in a particular place.
Importance is not given to cats while doing research
Cats have not been given importance yet when research is being done on the cancer smelling potential. This is because scientists have not been able to figure out how they are going to induce cats to trace the presence of cancer cells. The problem with cats is that they cannot be like dogs that are trained to do something with a reward association system; cats do not fall for such things - they are obstinate, arrogant and stubborn. Cats cannot be easily forced to do something. However, the sense of smell in cats is almost fifteen times stronger than humans. They have a nasal organ which is situated behind their front teeth and it is linked to their nasal passage. Cats that can sniff cancer cells out have helped in saving many a life.
Why Victor Cat Food Should Be a Consideration
Whether you have a tabby, a Siamese, or any other kind of cat, you want to make sure you are feeding it good food. If you go into the supermarket and pick out the first bag that is labeled "cat food", you probably aren't getting the best product that's out there. Victor cat food should be a consideration because of the various ingredients it doesn't contain.
If you look at the average bag of cat food, you won't be able to recognize most of the ingredients. While the front of the bag may talk about tuna and salmon, the back of the bag tells a very different story. The words that you cannot pronounce are fillers and preservatives so that the cat food is affordable and so that it can sit on the shelf for extended periods of time.
It's important to feed your cat something good. Victor cat food can be found at a variety of retailers - and those retailers know about good food. They take pride in what they offer pet owners.
When you look at the back of a Victor cat food bag, you're going to be able to see why people are talking about it - and why your cat will love it. There are no grains and no preservatives. All of the flavors are real instead of artificial and it's healthier for your cat.
By providing your cat with better food, you are going to see a few things change.
Healthier immune system
Better digestion
Improved sheen on coat
All of these are beneficial for your cat. Has cat hair been collecting quicker than normal? It probably has nothing to do with the season of the year and everything to do with what your cat's diet consists of. Think about the vitamins and nutrients that your body craves to stay healthy. Your cat has similar dietary needs and if the vitamins and nutrients aren't in the food that your cat eats, then your cat isn't getting them at all.
You don't give your cat a multivitamin like you may give yourself and that's another reason to make the introduction to Victor cat food. There's better ingredients inside, so your cat is getting the vitamins and nutrients that it needs. All you need to do is decide on the bag that you want to buy based upon the available formulas. From kitten to senior cat, there are formulas that you can choose from.
Your cat cares about flavor. If you have ever bought a snack only for your cat to look at you, give it a sniff, and walk away, you know that you have a picky cat. Cats love Victor cat food because it doesn't contain all of the fillers and preservatives. From the moment you open the bag, you will know that you have something special - and that makes all the difference in the world.
The next time you look for a bag of cat food, look for the Victor brand and give it a try.
Sabtu, 24 Januari 2015
Is It Okay To Euthanize Your Cat If It Stops Using The Litter Box
This is the logical step that some people take when they get a cat. They think, "If that stupid cat urinates on the bed one more time," You're thinking, maybe if I rub his nose in it and shove him into the litter box he'll get it and when it doesn't work, euthanasia is one of the first things people with little knowledge about cats think of to fix the problem of peeing around the house. Even I had some of these thoughts in the very beginning. I'm glad I never acted on it.
The situation in our house was really bad. The male cat had been neutered and the female had been fixed as well. They were indoor outdoor cats and for the first year we had no problems. Then he stopped using the litter box and going in different places around the house. We took him to the vet to see if she could help with no luck. The pee smell got so bad we couldn't invite anyone to our house and finally I reached the breaking point. There's a raving lunatic in the house. I'm sitting on the floor watching TV and my wife is on the phone talking to one of her friends. When suddenly out of nowhere our male cat walks up to me and gives me a nice healthy spray, from neck to waist, a virtual cat shower. That's never happened before, is this a joke? I'm not his territory, what's going on? That's when the lunatic showed up. Jumping up, yelling and chasing him around the house. My wife thought I'd gone mad. Fortunately he got away by hiding under the bed, because thoughts of kitty murder were in my head. Once I calmed down and got cleaned up. My wife and I sat down and talked about what happened. We decided on really trying to figure out what was going on.
Here are some ideas that might help you with your cat.
Consulting your vet should always be the first thing you do and this is to determine whether your cat has a urinary tract infection or a behavioral issue. If it is a urinary problem, it could be resolved fairly quickly with some antibiotics, ask if they need a urine sample for testing. If it is a urinary tract infection, some antibiotics should fix the problem of not peeing in the litter box. One other thing to keep in mind is that some cats do have chronic urinary infections. Keep an eye on them and a change in diet may be required especially if you have them eating dry food most of the time. Canned food with high moisture content will help considerably, your veterinarian should be able to give a dietary needs list.
What do I consider if it is not an infection but a behavioral problem?
This is where some real homework is needed to determining what the problem could be. Some of the questions the come to mind are:
· Is it a litter box issue? Is it too big and your small cat has trouble getting in it or maybe they want privacy and it's an open top box, or it could be the opposite and the want to see what's around them. Is the box too small for your larger cat and they barely fit inside?
· Do you clean the box enough? Most cats prefer to have the litter cleaned daily. Some cats want it cleaned right after they go. One of our cats would refuse to use the box if it wasn't clean and go find something else to pee on, like the couch or the clean clothes in a laundry basket.
· Is there a sufficient number of litter boxes in your house? Even if you have one cat, you need at least two litter boxes. As a rule of thumb, have one more than the number of cats you have and you may want more for choices.
· Where are the litter boxes located? Placing them in a location that makes it difficult to enter will not help. Cats can be lazy.
· Is your cat stressed out by other animals? Did another mean tomcat move into the area and decided to claim your backyard as its new territory? That will really stress out your cats.
· Did you recently move to a new location? Cats, like people, can get very stressed when moving. Especially if they went from indoor/outdoor cats to full-time indoor apartment cats.
· Was a baby added to the family? With the shift in attention to the baby a cat can become angry and stop using the box. They have temper tantrums too.
These are some of the things to consider; many more questions will need to be asked and answered.
What not to do when your cat urinates out of the litter box.
Your cat will not understand when you try to punish them and it could just make the problem worse. Yelling or spanking will only scare them and make them afraid of you. If it is a behavioral problem it will only serve to amplify the issue, and rubbing the cat's nose into the wet spot will not work either, they just won't understand. If you catch them peeing, don't drag them to and stuff them into the box. When you punish them after the fact they will start to see the box as a type of punishment and will actually start to avoid the litter box. One little trick when trying to figure out why they are peeing around the house is to use a water pistol. Use only while the cat is in the act of peeing and it will startle them.
The things you will need to help resolve inappropriate urination problems.
Having patience and understanding will be a major factor in resolving cat problems. Understand that cats can't come up to our level of reasoning and we must with loving care try to understand them at their level. Time is another critical factor. Some cat problems can be taken care of in a matter of days, and be as simple as changing the type of litter you use. Others can take weeks or months to figure out and be tougher to fix, like giving your cat antidepressants because of the new tomcat in the neighborhood.
Some people make the choice to euthanize because they have no idea about what to do, nor do they take the time to learn what to do about it. Figuring out why a cat will not use the litter box is not easy. It will take work and study to resolve the problem. It's your cat, a part of your family. Why shouldn't you try to find out what the problem is? If you choose to kill them when a problem arises, why did you get one in the first place? Killing them is not the right choice.
Jumat, 23 Januari 2015
Find A Great Veterinarian To Help Your Cat.
Finding a good Vet for your cat is very important. You want to find someone who is knowledgeable, sympathetic, and caring. If you are new to cat care or have a vet but want to find a new one here are some tips that may help you out.
How do I locate veterinarians?
If you are moving to a new area, you can check out The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) or the My Veterinarian websites. These two sites keep records on vets and their facilities, quality of service, and care. Another way is to talk to people at dog parks to see who has a good practice. If you live in a large community, get the names of three to four vets in your area. If you live in a small rural area, it would be wise to search a wider area to come up with the names.
How to select a veterinarian?
There are a number of things to do and consider when the time comes to selecting a vet. One of the first things to do is to make an initial consultation/interview with your new doctor. While you're there take a tour of the facilities. Watch the staff to see if they are attentive and courteous. How does the place smell; does it smell clean or does it smell sterile or of pee? The latter two could mean they are trying to cover something up. Look at the overnight area, do they keep the cats and dogs in separate areas and do the animals look cared for? Lastly you will want to make up a list of questions to ask your new potential vet.
What kind of questions should I ask?
Here is a list of some questions that should be asked:
· Are bloodwork, x-rays, and other types of lab work done on site or do they need to send them out to another place for testing and results?
· Do they have a specialist referral system?
· Is the clinic accredited with the AAHA?
· Are the veterinary technicians that they have on staff licensed?
· What do they do for managing pain?
· Do they have emergency services?
· Do they keep accurate records on all of your pets care?
· Always ask about the cost for standard visits.
These are important questions to ask and if you can think of more add them to the list. When all of your concerns are taken care of, you can decide which of the vets may be right for you and your cat.
And a final note.
Remember that if for some reason your new veterinarian doesn't work out, you can always change. Just go over the list of vets you created and move to the new one. Make sure that the old vet gives you a copy of your cat's records and mails a copy to the new vet.
Kamis, 22 Januari 2015
Finding the Right Amount of Victor Cat Food for Your Cat
If you are going to feed your cat Victor cat food, it's important that you provide the right amount. You don't want to end up with a fat cat, so watching the serving sizes is something that needs to be a priority. Too many people pour from the bag and don't bother to measure. This can waste the food and be unhealthy to your cat.
There are some cats that will simply graze on food all day if you let them. If you pour too much cat food into the dish from the night before, they likely won't be able to finish it all. To avoid throwing out the food, you probably leave it in the dish - and this is where they will be able to graze.
Leaving food in the dish for extended periods of time can be problematic not only to your cat but to other pets. You don't want a dog in the house munching on Victor cat food when it's not the kind of diet that he should be having. Additionally, leaving cat food out can help to attract pests, which you don't want to deal with either.
You need to weigh your cat. The amount that you feed a five pound cat is going to be substantially less than what you feed a 20 pound cat. If your cat is overweight, you may also want to reduce the amount of food that you are feeding to help with weight loss.
It's a good idea to check in with your vet to find out what the professional recommendation is as well. Your vet will be able to get an accurate weight and take the breed of your cat into consideration, too.
You can choose to feed your cat Victor cat food once a day or twice a day. It is a preference that only you can make - though your cat may have something to say about it as well. If you are going to feed your cat twice a day, you simply cut the amount in half. If the vet says to feed your cat half a cup of food a day, then it will be a quarter of a cup in the morning and again in the evening.
It's important to feed your cat on a regular schedule. Try to put out the food the same time (or times) every day. That will make it easier for your cat to get into a feeding routine and know when to head to the kitchen and look for food.
You never want to waste Victor cat food and that's why you want to make sure you know how much to feed your cat. Too much weight on your cat can lead to joint and mobility problems. There is a formula that's right for your cat and when you know how much to put in the dish, it will make it easier to give your cat exactly what he needs.
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Rabu, 21 Januari 2015
Is Dandruff Bad For Your Cat
For those of you wondering if cat dandruff is bad for your cat, the answer is that it can be. Dandruff on a cat can be a serious condition. It can be a condition where the cat's sebaceous glands produce more sebum than it should. This can be noticeable on the flanks, face, and the back of the kitty.
Cats who have idiopathic seborrhea or cat dandruff will have dandruff that may not have an actual cause. It may be necessary to go to a vet to find out what is wrong with the cat. The pet owner should observe the cat for a couple of days before the vet appointment. some of the most common causes of cat dandruff are: environmental factors such as when the seasons change, hormonal imbalance, allergies such as laundry detergent and household cleaners, fungal infections such as ringworm, parasites such as ticks and fleas, obesity, and musculoskeletal disease.
The symptoms of dandruff may vary. There can be areas of the cat's fur where there are more sebaceous glands that will show signs of dandruff. The cat may also leave dandruff flakes in their sleeping spot. Another symptom is the smell of your cat. If the cat smells different it may be a sign of a secondary bacterial infection or yeast skin infection. Also if the cat swats at you when you are trying to touch a certain spot on the cat, it may tell you something is wrong. Upon examination, you may find inflamed or red skin with lesions.
Once you go to the vet and talk about the symptoms of the cat, he or she will conduct tests to determine the cause and type of the dandruff on the cat. The vet may perform blood tests, skin cytology and skin scrapings, skin culture, skin biopsy, and hormone tests.
As for treatment, it may vary. Some of the most common treatment methods are: antiseborrheic shampoos, retinoids, omega 3 fatty acid food supplements, oral cyclosporine, moisturizers, and antibiotics.
For prevention, there are a host of things that you can do to try to prevent cat
Purr-Fect Pet Purr-Fect Paws Litter Mat For Cats
This cat litter mat works better than any other cat litter mat I've had, and I've tried many of them. They didn't work and didn't hold up well so I got rid of them. This mat catches I would say about 97% of all of the cat litter, at least any that can be contained inside the mat's perimeter. It's easy to dispose the litter that is trapped on the mat. The litter mat can be easily poured back into the box, wash it off with a hose or simply take it outside or over a trash can to shake off.
It has a safe, waterproof, non-toxic, soft, rubber-like surface. There is a slight rubber odor at first use but the smell dissipates soon after use. It's a large mat (24x30 inches) for maximum coverage. If you're limited in the amount of space you have for the litter box/boxes, you could even cut the mat in half. I got two mats for the two large litter boxes I have. The litter boxes fit the mat and even has room leftover around all four sides of each box..
I have an occasional recurring problem with one of my older cats peeing outside the box on the mat, but it is definitely waterproof. I think that she may have arthritis and sometimes doesn't reach the litter box in time. I can blast it with the hose and it will air dry about a million times faster than other litter mats I've tried to wash. All accumulated litter can be poured back into the litter box or easily hosed off when you want to clean.
Another of my cats has a tendency to spread litter all over in front of his box and occasionally misses the box altogether. I previously used the woven plastic type mats which turned out not to be entirely waterproof and which allowed the litter to permeate the mat and end up on the floor.
The deep divets really hold a lot of litter. It's a soft, cushion-y material that massages their kitty feet instead of poking them. I've not had any of my four cats try to avoid it. It's an excellent design.
This litter mat really helps litter from spreading throughout the house. I have hard wood floors and it can be vacuumed with a bare floor setting.
Selasa, 20 Januari 2015
Tonkinese Cat Facts
Tonkinese breed was first created by crossing Burmese and Siamese cats. This is also called Tonks, Tonkinois or Tonkinesen. The name has its origins from the name of the gulf bordering China and Vietnam called, Gulf of Tonkin.
This was bred by Milan Greer, a cat expert who wanted to make a dedicated program for breeding this feline. This was also referred to as ‘The Golden Siamese’. The first breeding of this variety was done between a female chocolate point Siamese and a male Burmese. Greer continued this for five generations. Once he was assured of the stability of the breed, he passed the breeding over to the other professionals.
Edith Lux continued the breeding and is believed to be responsible for coining the name ‘Tonkinese’. It was in 1965 that efforts of cat breeder Conroy in Canada bore fruits and the breed was registered with the Canadian Cat Association.
In the 1990s, this was registered with the American Societies and by 1991 by the GCCF as well. Many associations refused to accept its registry owing it to the breeding program.
According to the genetic proof, when a Tonkinese was bred with another of the same breed, the result was not a pure breed of Tonkinese. The percentage probability was that 50 percent of the kittens could be Tonkinese, while 25 percent could be Burmese and 25 percent could be Siamese.
Many breeders also argue that the Burmese cat which started the breed of Burmese cats in America was actually Tonkinese. The beauty of this breed along with its sociable nature is making it increasingly popular amongst the cat lovers for a pet.
How Much Do Abyssinian Kittens Cost
Abyssinian cats make ideal pets for those who have the time for playing and caring for their pets. They are lovable due to their intelligence and curiosity. They are muscular, longish in their stature and weigh about 8 to 12 pounds. The coat is medium or short and comes in many colors. The specialty of this coat is the ticking effect that it has along the spine line. The color is dark in the roots and gets lighter in the ends. Almost blackish color is common in the UK while reddish or ruddy is common in other places.
The features include a wedge shaped face, eyes shaped like almonds, long and broad based tail and big tufts of hair in their ears.
Other colors that have been created and gaining popularity include blue, fawn, sorrel lilac, tortoise shell and red. The kittens born to the Abyssinian cats have a dark coat at the time of birth which tends to lighten with the passage of time.
The cost that the Abyssinian kittens fetch depends largely on the breeder. It can cost anywhere from $500 to $1,000 for normal Abyssinian kittens. The show quality variety is more expensive in comparison with the normal kittens.
The cost includes expenses incurred by the breeder in procedures like screening the health, vaccination, de-worming, getting the kitten to socialize as early as possible in order to make it have a sound temperament and possess an affectionate nature. Such breeders will also provide advice and support to the buyer. The breeder will also provide guarantee to the buyer on the health of the kitten purchased.
Senin, 19 Januari 2015
Skincare for Cats With Dandruff
One of the more common problems for cats with diabetes is dandruff. One study actually puts this problem at a rate of about 1 in every 200, for cats with diabetes. Here are some suggestions to help with this issue.
The major cause of this problem has to do with nutrition, poor nutrition to be exact. So, instead of buying a bag of some cheap dry food that looks as bad as it probably tastes, not to mention lacks the nutrition that you're cat so desperately needs, look at the bag of food you are purchasing. Make sure it has the nutrition that will help your cat, even if it costs a few dollars more.
Also, you can give your cat food supplements that contain fish oil, which is something that has been proven to help with fixing this particular problem. One good choice is to use canned tuna, because it is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and will start to improve their hair in about a week or so.
Some of the things that might give you a hint as to whether or not your cat is having skin problems would be:
- Excessive Thirst
- Increase in Appetite
- Dehydration
- Excessive Urination
- Weight Loss
- Lethargy
- Depression
- Muscle Wasting
- Fur that looks ungroomed
- Also, if your cat starts to look like he/she is having weakness in their back legs, things will more than likely be getting worse at this point.
Other things that can possibly cause skin problems would be old age, neutering, cold weather (as it is very drying to cat's skin) and steroid injections. There is also the problem of allergies to consider, as this can also cause skin issues. This could come from many places, for example, pollens, food, different types of cleaners, etc. Because this is a difficult thing to try and pinpoint, it is often recommended that you use natural cleaning products in your home, which would help you to cut down on the possibilities of what may be causing your cat's allergy.
One thing that seems to cause problems for some cats is if they are not strictly kept indoors. Cats that are either indoors and outdoors or just outdoors, at some point will get sunburned and sunburn has been shown to kill the top layer of cat's skin, which will cause it to get dry and begin to flake off. If they are repeatedly burned, they also run the risk of getting skin cancer (much like humans), so if you feel you must let them out, try to do it in the early morning or early evening.
Some other things that could cause problems with your cat's skin, could be something as simple as letting your cat too close to the fireplace in winter, (if you allow your cat to do this it can dry out his skin), also if you're cat has fleas, ticks or some kind of skin disorder as well.
No matter what the problem, make certain that you get it taken care of immediately as it can get much worse and cause your cat itching and discomfort every day that this continues without a solution.
Where Are Abyssinian Cats From
Abyssinian cats are gaining popularity in being the most preferred pets and in show circuits. But the origin of this breed is still not exactly known. Many believe that they originated in Ethiopia since their name is similar to the former name of this country, ‘Abyssinia’. Many believe that they got their name since the first Abyssinian cats that were show-cased were imported from the country, Abyssinia.
After research work by geneticists, one can conclude that these felines have their origins from the coasts of Indian Ocean and some regions of South-East Asia. Many paintings depicting cats in the Egyptian tombs have a close semblance to this breed.
The cat associations can ask for extensive proof in order to accept one’s breed of their pet as Abyssinian. Many cat owners may not have a pure bred cat, but they still participate in the shows only to show-case the good characteristics of their feline pet.
This breed is special since they are supposed to possess high level of intelligence which is often comparable to humans. This makes these felines constant entertainers for their owners. These cats tend to be creative in their amusement activities and display feats proving their intelligence. One can never be bored with an Abyssinian pet at home.
They form ideal pets if the owner wants to have a human-friendly pet especially for children or just a good interactive companion at home. The owner will have to keep pace with their quest for variety in their amusements and keep important things out of their reach since they are also highly agile and athletic.
Tonkinese Cat Facts
Tonkinese breed was first created by crossing Burmese and Siamese cats. This is also called Tonks, Tonkinois or Tonkinesen. The name has its origins from the name of the gulf bordering China and Vietnam called, Gulf of Tonkin.
This was bred by Milan Greer, a cat expert who wanted to make a dedicated program for breeding this feline. This was also referred to as ‘The Golden Siamese’. The first breeding of this variety was done between a female chocolate point Siamese and a male Burmese. Greer continued this for five generations. Once he was assured of the stability of the breed, he passed the breeding over to the other professionals.
Edith Lux continued the breeding and is believed to be responsible for coining the name ‘Tonkinese’. It was in 1965 that efforts of cat breeder Conroy in Canada bore fruits and the breed was registered with the Canadian Cat Association.
In the 1990s, this was registered with the American Societies and by 1991 by the GCCF as well. Many associations refused to accept its registry owing it to the breeding program.
According to the genetic proof, when a Tonkinese was bred with another of the same breed, the result was not a pure breed of Tonkinese. The percentage probability was that 50 percent of the kittens could be Tonkinese, while 25 percent could be Burmese and 25 percent could be Siamese.
Many breeders also argue that the Burmese cat which started the breed of Burmese cats in America was actually Tonkinese. The beauty of this breed along with its sociable nature is making it increasingly popular amongst the cat lovers for a pet.
Minggu, 18 Januari 2015
Lifespan Birman Cat
It is always seen that the owners of Birman cats have loads of praises for them since they are very friendly with humans. They are very playful, curious, and charming. They are soft voiced and purr. These cats shed their coats very little which makes it easy for the owner to maintain its coat. They are fond of being in company whether it is of children, family members or other pets in the house.
The average Birman cat weighs around 8 to 10 pounds. The average life-span of these cats is about 15 years. But, advancement in the field of veterinary medicine has made it feasible for these felines to have life-spans of up to twenty years.
The health of cats belonging to this breed of feline is not affected by common diseases. These cats feel comfortable in condos and apartments. But they require companions to be with and play. They seek for attention if the owner gets busy and hence this breed of cat is unsuited for people who travel often. The owner can keep toys handy for engaging the pet while being busy at work.
The places from which Birman cats can be purchased are shelters, breeders or rescue organizations. These cats do not come cheap. A well bred Birman cat can cost anywhere from $600 to $1,500. These pets are rarely aggressive. They behave so only if they have been abused. Also, they enjoy purring. They make noise only when they are in need of a companion to play with or when they are hungry. They enjoy doing horse-play and bite hard while playing this game.
Lifespan Birman Cat
United Kingdom
How Big Do Persian Cats Get
The Persian cats are regarded as one of the best breeds of cats that any cat lover would want to possess. Their appearance with long and thick coat, flat face and blue colored eyes make them look adorable. Many mistake them for being stuffed toys due to their unusual appearance.
These cats are very stocky. In fact, their bone set is sturdy and they have stocky legs as well to support their stocky body. With their thick coat on top, they appear very cuddly too. Most parts of their body appear round. Their head is big and round and bigger in size than cats of most other breeds. Their eyes set in their faces also appear round like saucers.
The correctly bred Persian cat should be such that it comes in the category of being full bodied. The Cat Fanciers Association also states that the breed of Persian cats should be large to medium size but not appear obese. Ideally, these cats should weigh anywhere from 7 to 12 pounds. But the weight for one’s pet cat should be determined after consulting a vet who will base it on the bone structure of the pet.
The coat of Persian cats come in many seven categories; solid color, shaded and smoky, , gold and silver, tabby, Himalayan, parti-color, and bi-color. The owner of such cats should have the time to groom them on a daily basis. They need to be bathed once a month. Their flat face with large eyes set in will require the owner to clean them with cotton balls on a daily basis.
How Big Do Persian Cats Get
What Is The Price Of Birman Cat
It is believed that the Birman cat has its origins in Burma. It is believed that a pair of this breed was taken under the care of two men who assisted the temple of the sun-goddess when it was attacked. Although the male did not survive the journey, the female did. Since she was pregnant, the legacy continued. The cat was cross-bred in order to redevelop this breed. In 1966, Birman cats were accepted as a registered breed in the registry of the CFA. This feline is affectionate, charming, playful and curious.
Well bred Birman cats can be purchased in pet-stores, rescue organizations and shelters. Often breeders sell their Birman cats at cheap prices after they retire from the show-careers at the age of 2 to 5 years. Many adults prefer grown cats since they are easy to keep them engaged. They are also good in socializing owing to their exposure to cat-shows. For a kitten in the Midwest, the cost could be almost $600 while a show or breeder variety can cost $800 to $1,500.
The cost is mainly attributed to the investment that the breeder makes in developing the cattery. The running costs in the 5 years of its show-career are not included. This could in itself prove heavy for the owner’s pocket.
The costs in having a Birman cat for a pet include purchase cost for a quality bred cat, providing proper facilities, procuring food, payment of fees for stud services, showing the cat in championships, catering for routine or emergency veterinary check-ups, breeding them and so on.
Do Persian Cats Scratch Furniture
Cats make excellent pets and companions. But knowing about their behavioral traits will allow the owner to solve matters which might be unacceptable for a pet. This sudden flip in the behavior despite being domesticated can be attributed to their wild ancestors.
Like other small sized wild animals, cats hunt rodents for their meal. they are mostly nocturnal, lead solitary lives and fetch food only for themselves. Hence, one should not panic if their pet cat pounces on a smaller sized animal.
Cats in the wild mark their territory and sharpen their claws. Domesticated cats also follow this by scratching the furniture. One can resolve this issue by placing a dedicated scratch-post and training the cat for using this.
In order to keep an insistent cat away from furniture, one can try wrapping a towel on the parts that they scratch or even make a loud noise by shaking aluminum cans filled with coins.
The pet should be stopped while being in the act of scratching sternly by any method like using air cans since they detest water being sprayed on them, rewarding them when they use the ear-marked post, or by using disciplinary methods.
One can reward them by showering praises, giving a treat, or by brushing. One should use both positive and negative methods of reinforcing this discipline. Since the natural nature can not be changed, one should try and bring a change in their behavior. With the right method and sternness, the cats can be trained well for changing their behavior which will suit the owner well and cause lesser damage to the property.
Sabtu, 17 Januari 2015
Best Trimmer For Persian Cat Hair
Persian cats come with a long and thick coat which takes the most of the owner’s time and money for its maintenance. If left un-groomed, this coat will get knotty and messy. The trimming can be tricky. One should opt to take the assistance of the professionals if the cat is intended to participate in shows since the standards for the coat of this breed is stringent.
The first requirement would be to check the speed of the trimmer’s motor, and the choice of the blade depending on the length of coat required. The quality of the trimmer should be such that it makes the least amount of humming noise and vibrations while trimming lest the cat gets annoyed.
The brand ‘Oster’ is the most reputed in the category of trimmers. Oster A5 is the quietest model having a blade of size-10. This will cut through the matty hair and give a short cut. It comes in two models, single and two speed. An extremely sound sensitive cat can be trimmed with the 2 speed variety. One should change the option to slow speed while trimming around the face and ears.
One should first un-mat the hair before commencing the trim since this will otherwise result in a rough cut. Trimming should be followed by a bath. Many breeders often bathe their cats to keep allergens at bay. It is seen that a clean and well brushed coat is easy to trim.
Bathing should be done with a shampoo followed by good brushing once the coat is dry. Periodical brushings will ensure easier trims in the future.
Persian Cats Facts
The Persian cats are regarded as the best breed of cats that a cat lover would cherish to possess. There are many versions regarding their origin. The claim of them being descendents of sand cat is not accepted since there is no evidence. Some also claim that they are products of cross-breeding the Angoras with Russian or Chinese Long-hair, but this is also unproven. It can be said that this feline came to be recognized as a specific breed in the 19th century and they came to the US at around the same time.
These are cuddly pets appear like stuffed toy. They have a thick coat with long silky hair, sturdy bone structure, short and sturdy legs; and large, flat and round face with saucer like blue eyes.
Their coat will require time from the owner for daily grooming. Matted coat will often result in unruly appearance and skin infections. They can be described as sweet pets which do no display activeness. They do enjoy playing and running around, but left to themselves, they spend most of the day snoozing. This makes them well suited for an apartment life since they do not require too much of space for exercising. Their temperament makes them well suited in homes with children.
These felines are extremely loyal and they always stick with the family. Some of them get stubborn for getting trained to use a box for their litter.
Their physical characteristic makes them prone to many problems like constriction in the nostrils, watering of the eyes, polycystic kidney disorder, malocclusions of the teeth, seborrhea oleosa and entropion.
Jumat, 16 Januari 2015
What Are The Characteristics Of A Maine Coon Cat
This cat is energetic, playful and friendly. They are independent cats which do not require too much of petting. At the same time, they are very attached to their owners.
They have a very curious mind and try to be part of the owner’s activities. They love to follow their owner around the house.
The mature male variety does look ferocious in the first meeting, but their appearance is deceptive. Instead they are gentle felines who adjust well with the children and the rest of the family and make excellent companions. They are not difficult to train and can be taught a few tricks. They are also easy to feed and are good mouse hunters. They are often owned by people who need a helping hand in the farms for controlling the rodent menace.
Maine coons are cats with heavy bone structure, lengthy bodies and square muzzles. The male easily weighs up to twenty-two pounds and the females up to twelve pounds. The coat being long and water resistant, they can be cared for easily with minimal grooming.
What Is The Price Of Birman Cat
It is believed that the Birman cat has its origins in Burma. It is believed that a pair of this breed was taken under the care of two men who assisted the temple of the sun-goddess when it was attacked. Although the male did not survive the journey, the female did. Since she was pregnant, the legacy continued. The cat was cross-bred in order to redevelop this breed. In 1966, Birman cats were accepted as a registered breed in the registry of the CFA. This feline is affectionate, charming, playful and curious.
Well bred Birman cats can be purchased in pet-stores, rescue organizations and shelters. Often breeders sell their Birman cats at cheap prices after they retire from the show-careers at the age of 2 to 5 years. Many adults prefer grown cats since they are easy to keep them engaged. They are also good in socializing owing to their exposure to cat-shows. For a kitten in the Midwest, the cost could be almost $600 while a show or breeder variety can cost $800 to $1,500.
The cost is mainly attributed to the investment that the breeder makes in developing the cattery. The running costs in the 5 years of its show-career are not included. This could in itself prove heavy for the owner’s pocket.
The costs in having a Birman cat for a pet include purchase cost for a quality bred cat, providing proper facilities, procuring food, payment of fees for stud services, showing the cat in championships, catering for routine or emergency veterinary check-ups, breeding them and so on.
Where To Find Maine Coon Kittens For Sale
Maine coon cats can be procured from a breeder of repute for the best bargain and quality of breed. One can keep a search on the Cat Fancy Magazines or even enquire with the Cat Fanciers’ Association for a possible show event of cats in the neighborhood. This venue will give ample options of breeders to choose from depending on their repute. One can even chance to get good references from such associations or shows.
Some magazines for animal lovers or specifically cat lovers like Cat-USA, Cat Fancy or Cats are also good places to start a search. Many breeders both legitimate and back-yard will place advertisements.
Back-yard breeders are mainly animal lovers who might have procured their pets from pet-shops. They breed their pets and sell the litter for a price. The disadvantage in this deal is that the buyer will not have registered kittens and the cats will not be permitted to participate in shows. The breeders might not be able to give required knowledge on the health issues of the breed, maintain the standard of the breed as specified by the associations, nor have the kittens socialized. They generally have no intent to improve the breed or have any contact with the breeding community. Although they charge very much the same for the kittens, there is no guarantee on the health. Any hereditary disorder could occur.
The best place for getting referrals is the ‘Maine Coon Breeders and Fanciers Association’ which will list out the names of breeders in the area and one can home onto a particular one after making the required enquiries.
Behaviour Of Maine Coon Cats
Maine coon cats are felines that are intelligent cats known by other names also some which are still in use and some which are not. American coon cat, Coonie, American Snughead, Maine cat, American long-hair, Maine trick cat, American Shag and American forest cat are few names.
The intelligence of this feline allows the owners to train them like dogs. They can be taught tricks and also asked to fetch. They play this well since they have good amount of dexterity in their front paws. They pick up objects and even manage to open cup-boards when required with their paws. They can even learn to turn the tap on. Unlike other felines, they eat more often with their paws than from the bowl.
Their noise is also characteristic. Instead of a meow, they purr and meow which sounds like a distinct way of communication. They enjoy playing hide and seek at odd hours of the night as well.
Another game that fascinates them is with dripping water from taps. When bored, they try to take a drink directly from the dripping tap. One should keep the toilet seats closed lest they play fetching their toys from the water right in the toilet.
These felines should be engaged in playtime since they need exercising and this allows for better bonding with the owner as well. They show their boredom by jumping onto the tables, fridge or desk and pushing things down.
They are friendly but not cuddly. This independent cat will follow the owner and sit by their side. They do not crave for attention but just enjoy being around.
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